Young Plant Question


Active Member
I started some seeds in soil a couple weeks ago. They grew up real fast, and are now about 4 inches tall. They have leaves on the end and are really wobbly. The stem seems week for such a tall plant. When I watered them last they fell over and can't seem to stand upright again....Any suggestions?

Yes, this is my 1st attempt at growing.


Well-Known Member
put a support in there. anything like a straightened clotheshanger, dial rod, etc... just remember that you want to support the plant, and tie them bad boys up. PEACE!


Well-Known Member
I had the same problem when I first started out. get a paper clip, and unfold it leaving one end with a hook. hook the plant around the base of the stem, and plung the straight end of the paper clip into the soil for support.


Active Member
They are under 2-15 watt Flourecents inside an aqarium with aluminum foil around the outside, I will be switching them to a 400W HPS lamp when I think they are ready. I have supported them with paper clips in an upright position for now...hard to toss them away. I am using a sterile organic potting soil. Cracked the seeds in wet paper towels, then put them into the soil...Water about every 3 days.


Well-Known Member

Take down the aluminum foil around the aquarium. It is a poor reflector of light. Instead, take regular computer printer paper, and tape it up over the aquarium. Plain flat white is the most highly reflective color there is. If you want to spend money, buy Mylar- an aluminum foil look alike. It's availible at any Home Depot, as well as 29,689 onlite stores. literaly.


Active Member
your lights may not be close enough thus causing the seedling to stretch for the light...move the light to 1" away from the plants.


Active Member
My 5" wobbly seedlings are now supported using the paper clip method. I have also moved them under a 400W HPS light. The top of the plant is 16" from the light, and the temp is 82 F at the soil surface. I have a computer fan blowing on the plants. Should I keep the fan on 24/7 or have it on the same 18/6 cycle as the light?

Thanks for all the help everyone...I hope these plants make it...


Well-Known Member
My 5" wobbly seedlings are now supported using the paper clip method.

I'm taking credit for the paperclip method, I invented it! HA!