You will never look at religion or the astrology the same way ever again


Well-Known Member
If you keep telling yourself that you can justify doing anything eventually. That's why the worlds such a mess.
every form of control seems to start with the pretext that man is incapable of controlling his baser instincts without some higher authority to guide him. whether that authority is a god, an institution or merely another man, we have convinced ourselves that we are nothing more than unruly children in need of a guiding hand. we stress the penalties for improper action above the benefits of personal responsibility and pay the price for that by relinquishing control of our own destinies.

The universe is impossible.
impossible by whose standards? all things may be possible, even the existence of a god. through the course of infinite possibilities, all things might even be considered to be probable.

i suppose that means that somewhere and at some time there is, was or will be a god. if that then and there is here and now, one can only feel disgust with such and uncaring deity.


Well-Known Member
Well the 1st chapter about religion was full of misinformation; especially regarding Christ and similarities with other older deities; especially Horus.

So yes, Christianity and other monotheistic faiths have been infiltrated and "paganized" but they never bother to explain how, who and most importantly why.

And they don't explain what the New World Older is. The actual translation is New Secular Order. Meaning stripping the world of their belief in the one God. The Illuminati (including the Rothschields mentioned in the documentary) are in fact Luciferian. And Lucifer's greatest trick is to make the world believe that he (and in turn God do not exist).

That is how Zeitgeist push forward the Illuminati agenda.
Figures you wouldn't like the movie. It destroys your stupid faith.


Well-Known Member
JoeBananas you're just another victim of the NWO, the way you defend misinformation as the truth.

Truly, this is the age of great deception.


Well-Known Member
during this day and age, being misinformed is being informed because I think people have lost interest in finding the truth. they are content with the little truth they are given and only ask for more when it's too late.


Well-Known Member
This comes from the forward to Cosmic Trigger: Final Secret of the Illuminati by Robert Anton Wilson

Robert Anton Wilson said:
“Belief is the death of intelligence. As soon as one believes a doctrine of any sort, or assumes certitude, one stops thinking about that aspect of existence.”
This is how I take just about everything since reading this book. I believe nothing.

Another good quote from the man...

“Whenever people are certain they understand our peculiar situation here on this planet, it is because they have accepted a religious Faith or a secular Ideology (Ideologies are the modern form of Faiths) and just stopped thinking.”

Skate Hawaii

Well-Known Member
I guess we'll never know the truth as if there is a god or not, and by the time we do (death), it's too late.

(If God exists) - He exists to have glory, so why not make himself known without confusion? I know it's all about "faith" and testing your faith, but how can we truly believe in and live for something if were not completely sure that he exists?