You've read 20,000 of bucky's posts? Enough to make you a self ascribed expert on what posts make sense and what ones don't?What is RUI definition of a troll? Most of Uncle Bucks posts make sense to me. Keep it real.![]()
You've read 20,000 of bucky's posts? Enough to make you a self ascribed expert on what posts make sense and what ones don't?What is RUI definition of a troll? Most of Uncle Bucks posts make sense to me. Keep it real.![]()
lol im tired dammit. I say things when im tired.You've read 20,000 of bucky's posts? Enough to make you a self ascribed expert on what posts make sense and what ones don't?
I know surf and turf is a right wing plot to keep the working man down but I'm having trouble connecting the dots. Any help?mixing lobster and steak seems like a horrible idea.
Drama, did you catch them with your own poll?Oh and one more thing, I am eating Lobster and porterhouse, not cheese.
if having some criteria on which i refuse to compromise, even if it means being unpopular makes me "a hate filled psychopathic snob", then let me be GUILTY!Wow you make everyone else on these forums look like angels... I guess every forum needs a hate filled psychopathic snob that everyone can dislike together.
what buck you got something to hide?
im not in favor of strip searches, or any of a number of things the court has approved since the 1900's but most of the worst abuses come from the left side of the bench.
commerce clause nonsense
unknown inexplicable right to privacy in abortion (thats ok with me) but not privacy in whether or not i smoke weed (this chaps my ass every time i think about it)
income taxes that are supported only by conflicting sections of the constitution, despite the well understood precept that the older language holds precedence over the new
coporations are people ( citizens united is not the first ruling that held this)
state subservience to federal mandates
state laws being trumped by federal fiats by faceless mandarins
etc etc etc...
are you proposing that the court has been made up of the same 9 members since 1900? actually that would explain a lot...All 5-4 decsions Doc?
are you proposing that the court has been made up of the same 9 members since 1900? actually that would explain a lot...
the laws which were decided in these decisions, the cases which were the impetus for these decisions, and the tendency of the majority justices in these decisions tended to be of the progressive bent. the decisions themselves have been well favoured by the progressive movement, and the execution of these decisions in practice has been in a progressive manner.
note: i use the term progressive to represent the "Progressive" movement of leftist thought. not in any way to be confused with Progress, which is unrelated. much in the way the Democratic Party has very little to do with the political theory of democracy or democratic rule.
all of these rulings and decisions lead to an erosion of personal power, and an increase in power of groups organizations and entities which an individual citizen has no hope of influencing unless he happens to be a multi-billlionaire or a member of the bildebergers, the CFR, the trilateral commission, or the federal reserve board of trustees.
this concentration of power far from the hands of those who have a vote in our nation and states has served the interests of the "Progressive Movement" well until lately, but they now find themselves disenfranchised by the very entities they gave so much power. Suddenly the "Right Wing Looneys" who said the government was abandoning the constitution for global corporatocracy dont seem so crazy any more. of course they are still racist homophobic degenerates who want to drag us back into the 17th century with their bitter clinging to religion and guns...
our constitution has provisions for ammendment, these provisions are rarely used when making sweeping changes. intead its all "opinions" that are "legally binding" from faceless mandarins, or blatantly unconstitutional laws which never get struck down since nobody has srtanding to fight them in the courts. without a direct harm to you personally, no case can be filed, so no cases ever get heard over the failure to enforce our laws on the border, nor the failure to actually authorize a standing army of nearly a million, nor the constant erosion of civil rights thought small steps like the miranda decision (cant convict an illegal alien rapist on his confession, because he didnt know he didnt have to confess when he rapes in san francisco). or the claim that a roof vent means youre growing dope, and thus gives probable cause for operation greenmerchant midnight no-knock warrants. or the cliam by law enforcement agents that refusing a warrantless search is grounds for a warrant. need i continue?
Doc you got pwnedStrange how you see it Doc. I can (and will if you want to get into it at length) demonstrate that the reverse is more often true, that it is the conservative activist court that has been eroding our personal rights and liberties while the progressives tend to discover new personal rights. In the particular, how can you manage to claim that the miranda decision is an erosion of civil rights? What is being taken and from whom? I believe you will see that in almost every instance the conservative faction of the court gives the benefit of the doubt to government and not the individual. How you believe that this strengthens individual rights is not evident to me.
I was not talking about 1900 but only about the Renquist and now the Roberts courts.
What we are talking about is findings that increase the power of the executive (while diminishing individual rights), dismantling the wall of separation between church and state, reducing the rights of criminal defendants, the general erosion of individual liberties and the points you are making about "standing". I think we will find that conservative activism is behind most of these things.
miranda specifically eroded the ability of the police to question a subject, and has resulted in a huge upswing of mindless legalism trumping justice. miranda was an illegal alien who couldnt stop talking about how awesome it was to rape that girl. his lawyers played games, and the court simply accepted those games as fact. now the cops cant do shit if you blab i did it i did it before they can tell you to shut the fuck up. this opened the door for illegal aliens to claim the civil rights which were once the province of citizens and legal visitors and has resulted in numerous guilty bastards walking on newly created technicalities. nobody can even fathom the harm done by that stupid ruling, but the good it did was easy to establish. justice is now bound by the chains of legalism and the fetishistic cult of lawyers.Strange how you see it Doc. I can (and will if you want to get into it at length) demonstrate that the reverse is more often true, that it is the conservative activist court that has been eroding our personal rights and liberties while the progressives tend to discover new personal rights. In the particular, how can you manage to claim that the miranda decision is an erosion of civil rights? What is being taken and from whom? I believe you will see that in almost every instance the conservative faction of the court gives the benefit of the doubt to government and not the individual. How you believe that this strengthens individual rights is not evident to me.
I was not talking about 1900 but only about the Renquist and now the Roberts courts.
What we are talking about is findings that increase the power of the executive (while diminishing individual rights), dismantling the wall of separation between church and state, reducing the rights of criminal defendants, the general erosion of individual liberties and the points you are making about "standing". I think we will find that conservative activism is behind most of these things.
i disagree.Doc you got pwned
Doc you got pwned
miranda specifically eroded the ability of the police to question a subject, and has resulted in a huge upswing of mindless legalism trumping justice. miranda was an illegal alien who couldnt stop talking about how awesome it was to rape that girl. his lawyers played games, and the court simply accepted those games as fact. now the cops cant do shit if you blab i did it i did it before they can tell you to shut the fuck up. this opened the door for illegal aliens to claim the civil rights which were once the province of citizens and legal visitors and has resulted in numerous guilty bastards walking on newly created technicalities. nobody can even fathom the harm done by that stupid ruling, but the good it did was easy to establish. justice is now bound by the chains of legalism and the fetishistic cult of lawyers.
when those guilty of crimes particularly violent crimes and theft go free on a technicality, all of society suffers when DA's plea bargain violent criminals down to misdemeanors or infractions all of society suffers, in the case of a one R%ichard Alan Davis, one particular young girls suffered most.
Davis was arrested for kidnapping a woman, raping her repeatedly, beating her, forcing her to empty he bank account at knife point through the ATM, locking her in the trunk of his car, and the police belied he fully intended to murder her as he had stated to his cellmate before he was relased on parole, just a few months before.
a multiple convicted felon who stated that he would leave no witnesses next time was released on parole, when arrested and charged with multiple serious violent felonies and zero doubt as to his guilt on these charges,, the judge released him without even a bond. needless to say his next victim was not so luicky, plus she was only 12. nice job liberal legal system. nice job. this kind of weak kneed sissy legal system is geared towards ensuring lawyers get fat paychecks and comfy retirement packages, not justice. with no justice in our society, nobody gets a fair shake. every homeowner must defend his own property against the criminal element which every year becomes bolder due to the failure of the legal system to pursue justice.
you may point out the procedural maneuvers and picayune details of your personal favorite "right wing" rulings, but the pattern of behavior from the "progressives" is to reduce justice, increase crime and punish those who defend themselves.
gun control measures (always a popular progressive/liberal whipping boy) do not reduce criminal use of weapons, they always have and always will increase criminal activity, by helping to ensure criminals of a safer workplace. gun restrictions only assist criminals, because, and this might be a shock to you, criminals do not obey laws. it's in their job description. if they start obeying laws on gun control they could lose their union seniority. and the leftists give the advantage to criminals
resistance to tort law reform is another area where the left stands boldly forward and declares it's dedication to the status quo. in california a burglar can and has sued a home owner fro his injuries when he stepped on a loose roller skate, and he won... it's an unsafe workplace. and once again the left gives the advantage to criminals
when an illegal alien commits a crime in san francisco the city does NOT allow immigration officials to deport him, they protect him from deportation through their "sanctuary city" program. even violent felons and one murderer have been protected from the INS/ICE by san francisco's liberal elite another leftist advantage to the criminal
In the united states any time you are facing a potential fine of $25 or more you have the constitutionally protected right to a trial by jury. if you demand said jury you will be informed by the "judge" (administrative law clerk) that the fine is only $25 the remaining amount is in administrative costs, and "Use Fees" you in reality can only claim a jury trial in civil suits or criminal trials. in "infraction" trials you face a mindless worker bee clerk who wears a black robe and demands you call him a judge (but he is not) before he summarily demands you pay the fees and shut the fuck up and the progressives win another battle against our wicked constitution.
the controlled substances act was pushed through and empaneled by "progressive" politicians to ensure federal control over all drugs medications and other such things. this mindless bureaucracy is only interested in prohibiting weed speed and coke, but they totally approve of pimple creams that cause lymphatic cancer (no joke) arthritis pills that cause cerebral hemorrhages (really) and heart pills that cause heart attacks (???) since it's inception the controlled substances act has been dedicated to reducing the rights powers and freedoms of the people and the states by transferring new authority to the federal government under the protective blanket of the commerce clause and the general welfare clause. Hooray Progressive Change at Any Cost!
the miranda case in specific did NOT increase the powers or rights of citizens or even illegal aliens except to presume that illegal aliens have constitutionally protected rights (which was new since the constitution was drafted for US citizens, not mexicans sneaking across the border with rape on their minds) it further eroded the right of the rape victim to expect the cops to actually be able to charge the perpetrator with the crime he admitted with no coercion. the cops couldnt get this asshole to shut up about his crime. it further eroded the ability of the courts to prosecute anyone who might not speak english sufficiently to understand his right to shut the fuck up. we are not talking about having a doobie in his pocket, he committed violent rape. and he walked. this degrades respect for the law, as a law that cannot be enforced is merely a suggestion. many persons who would never have considered engaging in a crime (like myself) find ourselves at odds with the legal system over trivial matters of legalism, not justice. thats the difference i am talking about. growing a single pot plant can land you in prison longer than forcible rape. Progressive legalism defeats justice again
many on the left argue that citizens united is a victory for the right wing, but it's not. the powers granted to "corporations" are extended to all political action committee, unions, pressure groups, charitable organizations etc etc etc, not just corporations like haliburton or rupert murdoch's media empire. let us not forget the intimate relationship between obama and GE. thge progressive movement created this monster with their endless tinkering with corporate law, and their assertion in the 19th century that a corporation was a person, with all the rights of a natural person. citizens united was just their own creation turning on them in it's rage and pain when the villagers waved their torches in it's face. shortsighted progressives do it again.
let us not forget the many progressives who rallied to the cause of the federal reserve act, and the foolish passage by a congress controlled by progressive democrats, and its signing by a progressive democrat president, only to see when the masks came off that the act was drafted by the very same rich assholes who it was alleged to fight. the act itself defies the constitution, and transfers power from the congress and the states to an extragovernmental authority with no basis in constitutional law. proof that progressives never learn.
where in the US constitution can one find the power of the Bar Association to decide who may or may not practice law or become a judge? answer, NOWHERE! this authority is crafted from whole cloth by the trade guild of lawyers called the Bar Association. only 3 states even feature a Bar in their state constitutions. this unaccountable unconstitutional unelected unscrupulous trade union of the LEAST TRUSTWORTHY BASTARDS ON THE PLANET that is to say, LAWYERS has given itself the power to decide who can and cannot practice law, or become a judge. amazing how these things slowly creep up on you isnt it. how did this happen? progressive "scholars" created this organization and unionized the lawyers to advance their agenda. Thanks Progressives. i guess unions werent corrupt enough by themselves...
when you use the word conservative i presume you mean republicans. actual conservatives resist change until you prove to their satisfaction that the change is lawful constitutional, and needed.You are straying from your original point. That conservatives tend to award more power to the individual, yet your examples talk of "justice", as though justice is a direct advantage to the individual citizen. It is not. Further, you discount judicial proceedure as carrying little weight when it goes to the heart of this debate. Namely, the Right and their judicial activists never saw a governmental power they didn't like, and didn't like more than any citizen's right that was endangered by that power.
What you are doing is claiming that all accused are criminals, and criminals don't deserve rights therefore, and your logic escapes me here - the people have cultivated more power from those incidences. Frankly, your response is far too long for me to be willing to respond on a point by point basis so I won't attempt it here but the one about Citizens United is glaring.
You claim that Citizens United is a "fair" ruling because it spreads the power of the dollar as vote evenly across corporations, unions and civil organizations. What you don't seem to point out is that Unions are a very tiny portion of the monied pie. Something less than 17 percent of all employees are members of unions. Now all the rest of the employees - read individual citizens - are left on their own, having the power of their own wallets alone to counter the interest and wealth of corporations. You claimed early on that conservatives are interested in the rights of the individuals yet have failed to show how that interest plays out, speaking rather of how the left reduces justice, increases crime and inhibits the individual from protecting themselves. Now I will grant you that the last item is a right, and a right due the individual, but the other things are not.
You have failed to make your case - and we so far have only spoken of one segment of SCOTUS rulings.
I disagree with almost everything you sayi disagree.
i believe we are suffering from a semantic disagreement.BTW - I don't hold unions in high regard but I see the need for some form of amplification of the individual in relation to the corporation. I believe you mentioned tort reform in one of your posts - claiming I belive that such reform would add to the power of the individual. That is unlikely, as what tort reform does is further remove the individual's ability to have his greivances dealt with. That Conservative justices work to limit the individual's day in court, that they work to increase the legitimate use of arbitration with the bias and tilted results of such arbitration further goes to show that Conservatives do not wish upon us our full individual rights in this country.