You lot complain about Trump and US politics?

Oy, mate! 'Ave you a loicence for that opinion? Don't be a Russian bot, bin that thought! Eat your taters raw, and don't you even dare say anything about those Asian rape gangs of peace!

You forgot "Never carry a white stick if you are blind or you'll get Tasered".

Highest ratio of CCTV in Europe, if not the world, one of the lowest rates of solving crime. Welcome to Britain.
You need therapy

I believe that out there in the big, bad world, there is a tree whose sole purpose is to produce the oxygen a person needs to survive. Each person on the planet has their own, individual, tree ensuring their survival. I think you should do something nice in your life, and go out and find that tree that produces the oxygen you need to live.

And then apologise to it for wasting it's time.
So thankful for England’s gun laws

That homicidal psycho is a ticking time bomb

You would be right if I lived in England, and to be quite frank it's probably easier to get a firearm in London than it is in the US.

But don't worry, when I become benevolent dictator you will be the first up against the wall, and the first to be used as biofuel to save the planet.
Lynch mobs are lead by idiots and fools, you strike me as both, but you do have a active imagination.

No, there's a difference between a lynch mob and a popular uprising. I would have thought that, of all people, Americans would have understood the concept of that.

Meanwhile, something has just struck me. The Donald has his state visit to the UK on Friday, he's going to walk right into the middle of this clusterfuck. This is going to be hilarious as he's going to get bombarded with questions on what's going on as the UKGov slowly implodes, so if he hasn't done his homework it will get very messy indeed.

Let's face it, this one's going to be better than any show on TV...
he's too busy watching fox news and tweeting stupidity and lies to do any homework. it'll be his usually visit, he'll alienate at least one more person important to u.s. interests, he'll insult at least one person who has some connections to make things worse for america,
he'll commit social faux-pas, ask questions that they teach children about in 3rd grade, and generally embarrass us in front of the rest of the world....again
he's too busy watching fox news and tweeting stupidity and lies to do any homework. it'll be his usually visit, he'll alienate at least one more person important to u.s. interests, he'll insult at least one person who has some connections to make things worse for america,
he'll commit social faux-pas, ask questions that they teach children about in 3rd grade, and generally embarrass us in front of the rest of the world....again

You could say the same about Boris, except with Boris you also add on "Serial Shagger" because he seems to have problems with his zipper, but in all honesty Trump could keep his mouth shut and the British press would still say he said something offensive.

Problem is that there are going to be so many screechin harpies out on the streets that the vast majority of things will be held behind closed doors and any appearances will be VERY carefully staged because of all the loons who will likely start rioting at the first opportunity.
You would be right if I lived in England, and to be quite frank it's probably easier to get a firearm in London than it is in the US.

But don't worry, when I become benevolent dictator you will be the first up against the wall, and the first to be used as biofuel to save the planet.
You seem intent on making comparative statements without knowing a lot about the thing you are comparing things with. Why? Is there some sort of strategy you are working on?
he's too busy watching fox news and tweeting stupidity and lies to do any homework. it'll be his usually visit, he'll alienate at least one more person important to u.s. interests, he'll insult at least one person who has some connections to make things worse for america,
he'll commit social faux-pas, ask questions that they teach children about in 3rd grade, and generally embarrass us in front of the rest of the world....again
You forgot: and then declare that the trip was a 10.
You seem intent on making comparative statements without knowing a lot about the thing you are comparing things with. Why? Is there some sort of strategy you are working on?

Methinks you may have had too much, you best go lie down for a while.
Powerful stuff. Have you and TTY been doing homework together?

Dear oh dear, you really struggle, don't you.

Meanwhile, outside of Baldrick's delusional world of the turnip, another 2, not quite so important, cabinet members have stepped down. That's 5 resignations from May's cabinet so far today.

I see a meltdown in the offing, just as they should be getting what is arguably THE most important situation the country has faced since 1939 in order.

A typically British farce, you guys have a lot to learn about screwing things up properly.