You know you're a pothead when:


Well-Known Member
Yeah.... Pretty much.

Lol your good man

This thread is golden

I was laughing so hard at the bills in potselling terms post

man too blazed
I appreciate it man.... i only wrote down the ones that people hadnt already posted lol.... I had sooooooo many more that had already been said.

Too bad I just transfered colleges. I have no connections, no herb, and I'm not going back home for a loooong time :wall:... keep me in your prayers :cry:


Well-Known Member
You have to read a thread four or five times because every single time you start reading it and your eyes keep reading it but your brain is thinking about cheeze nips. Or, you start to write a thead, and it ends up being 3 paragraphs and when you look back at it you realize that from a literary standpoint your post makes absolutely no sense you you just delete it and move on to the next thread.
Lol. Soooooo true man. I cant even begin to tell you how many times this has happened to me


Well-Known Member
1) when you think you're being abducted by aliens
2) you see fairies
3) you think that your bowl is trying to tell you something

number 3 happens A LOT haha. i'll light it and the cherries in the bowl look like letters and shit...hahaha i see happy faces in my bowl sometimes too...


Well-Known Member
1) when you think you're being abducted by aliens
2) you see fairies
3) you think that your bowl is trying to tell you something

number 3 happens A LOT haha. i'll light it and the cherries in the bowl look like letters and shit...hahaha i see happy faces in my bowl sometimes too...
So now we know who has the acid. I'll be over tomorrow to get some from you if it's ok. :bigjoint:


Active Member
when your left a message with a phone number on it and no matter how many effin times you listen to it, it doesnt stick...holy shit!! great scots...


Active Member
when one of your drying buds coming crashing down to the floor accidentally cause you jerked your string and you hold a candle vigil over her....

when you burp after smoking earlier and smoke comes out of your mouth


Well-Known Member
When you are logging into a job application online and you have to type in your zip code for verification, you spend 5 min trying to figure out why it's not working, right when you realize, "Oh shit, I've been typing in my student I.D. this whole fucking time!!"


Well-Known Member
So now we know who has the acid. I'll be over tomorrow to get some from you if it's ok. :bigjoint:
hahaha i've only ever used pot...i havent done any other types of recreational drugs. just pot, and a plethora of psychotropic pills from the doctors :lol: none of which worked by the way lol. i have really intense experiences with pot compared to other people. none of my friends have had the same things happen to them. it just seems to work really well with my brain :bigjoint:


Active Member
You know yer a pothead when yer laying on yer couch for a week and yer cat comes walking out and says, "you lazy fuckin bum, ive been eating my own shit for food for the last 7 days..."


Active Member
When you only have enough money for food and you spend it on bud instead ,then you get the munchies lol peace out Headband707


Well-Known Member
So I take the lady I care give for to a big 5 sporting goods store last night. To check out a inversion table. I just had to try it out. Took off my coat so my bag,pipe,lighter,smokes,keys and other shit wouldn't fly out. I left on my sweat jacket and got on the thing. upside down I go and the sales girl says you have stuff falling out of your pockets. I get off the thing and she hands me my pipe and lighter with a little smile. I just said well shit I took my coat off so that stuff wouldn't fall out, then laughed. bought the table and left. Oh and don't puff a big bowl and try to put one of those togather. It takes forever.

Ten bag

Well-Known Member
You know your a pothead when you get that 'feels like your gonna shityourself' feeling when you go to pick up your buds cos your just that exited :D

When you try and save your last joint but end up smoking it in the morning then feeling energyless and shit for the rest of the day and proceed to use all fours to commute around the house cos its easier :)