You know youre a good grower when...

When you grow buds big and hard enough to sexually satisfy the raunchiest SFV pornstar...

They call me ceiling fan
When you do a j with your neighbor - then watch her spend 6 minutes looking for the lighter that's still in her left hand.
Awe, cupcake, I get the impression I might have hit a nerve... I'm boring, I don't have a nickname like bunny.

But, they call my war club Bunny Splitter. I'll let you see it, if you ask nicely.

they call me racerboy..
they used to call me lj before racerboy..
and before that, all through middle school and high school, they called me tweety bird.. i am a man of many names and faces.. :D
You know you're a good grower when you get the fauna up in a tizzy.

LoL, ease up cupcake, keep the personal attacks to home room... they aren't allowed here, and keep you attempted homophobic insults to yourself.
[h=1]You know you're a good grower when...[/h]
you only grow weed for yourself and haven't tried another grower's weed in well over a year.