You Know your Smoking on Some Good Shit when...

i knew i was smokeing on some good shit when...... I was walking down the street. I was putting eye drops in my eyes. I was talking on my cellphone. And I was getting hit by a car.
its funny here is the full line. People say pot smokers are lazy. I disagree. I am a multitasking pot smoker. Just the other day I was walking down the street. Stoned. OK, I won’t count that as two things. I was walking down the street. I was putting eye drops in my eyes. I was talking on my cellphone. And I was getting hit by a car.
when you've been watching a show for 45 minutes and realize it was on dvr and could have skipped the fuckin commercials
Got a good right on red story too... Just sitting at this red light, waiting to turn right. I saw the sign, it said no turn on red and I'm really blazed so I'm not gonna turn on red when the sign says to just wait it out. So this dude pulls up behind me and start just honking ridiculously. "Oh shit, the sign must say something else," I think. So I start to go, then look up and no it definitely says no turn on red. So I stop and the honking ensues, now with screaming! So, I'm like fuck, I guess I gotta teach this guy the rules of the road or whatever. So I stick my head out and just start yeliing "no turn on red! no turn on red!" and frantically pointing at the sign.... it doesn't work. The guy is angrier than ever! Yelling obscenities I can't really make out but now he is pointing frantically at the sign too! Whatever, fucking nut job... The light turns green and we both are driving along and he pulls up next to me and I'm like oh great, this fucking dick is gonna start dicking shit up. But, he just honks again, rolls his window down and yells "IT WAS A FUCKInG RED ARROW! nO TURn On RED ARROW!!!"

And then it clicked why he was so mad....
Got a good right on red story too... Just sitting at this red light, waiting to turn right. I saw the sign, it said no turn on red and I'm really blazed so I'm not gonna turn on red when the sign says to just wait it out. So this dude pulls up behind me and start just honking ridiculously. "Oh shit, the sign must say something else," I think. So I start to go, then look up and no it definitely says no turn on red. So I stop and the honking ensues, now with screaming! So, I'm like fuck, I guess I gotta teach this guy the rules of the road or whatever. So I stick my head out and just start yeliing "no turn on red! no turn on red!" and frantically pointing at the sign.... it doesn't work. The guy is angrier than ever! Yelling obscenities I can't really make out but now he is pointing frantically at the sign too! Whatever, fucking nut job... The light turns green and we both are driving along and he pulls up next to me and I'm like oh great, this fucking dick is gonna start dicking shit up. But, he just honks again, rolls his window down and yells "IT WAS A FUCKInG RED ARROW! nO TURn On RED ARROW!!!"

And then it clicked why he was so mad....
i dont get it did you have a green arrow the whole time?
oh nah, the sign said no turn on red arrow but just had a picture of a red arrow... i thought it was a circle.. guess i ruined that story
Ive never heard of a Whitey...but the experiences bring back a bad memory.

It was college last year..really cold day out. Friend of mine invited me for a toke. Wake and bake at 12:40pm? lol. So we go out to his car..and theres two other guys. We start smokin these hash pellets, and this was only the second time I smoked hash. After a while, bout 4 hits, we stood outside talkin, smokin a cig...when i started shaking. I felt like I had eaten in DAYS! I remember tellin everyone I had to go(dick move smokin their shit then leavin) I ended up makin it to the second stair case before I passed out. I distinctly remember the loud ringing noise. Couldnt hear anything.

Which at this time, I thought they drugged me. lol. I was getting paranoid. After I woke up, I walked into the br and got sick...then went and took the longest nap. I woke up at 9pm...went outside took a hit off my green shit...then played codmw2. I miss college.

You know your smokin some GOOD when your walking up stairs and it feels like your getting shorter Like melting into the stairs. " Oh, wtf am I doin on my knees?"
oh nah, the sign said no turn on red arrow but just had a picture of a red arrow... i thought it was a circle.. guess i ruined that story
i dont get it if the sign said no turn on red arrow and their was a red arrow not a green one. how were you wrong?
I know I'm smokin on some good shit when I look down at my hand and I'm still holding that joint I lit up 45 minutes ago.
i dont get it if the sign said no turn on red arrow and their was a red arrow not a green one. how were you wrong?

The sign said, in actuality, "No turn on red arrow" except it didn't say red arrow there was an illustration of a red arrow. I mistook it for saying "No turn on red" except after red there is also a red circle. So, since the light was red, but there was no red arrow, I could have gone... sorry for the confusion lol...
The sign said, in actuality, "No turn on red arrow" except it didn't say red arrow there was an illustration of a red arrow. I mistook it for saying "No turn on red" except after red there is also a red circle. So, since the light was red, but there was no red arrow, I could have gone... sorry for the confusion lol...
what are you smoking right now??
The sign said, in actuality, "No turn on red arrow" except it didn't say red arrow there was an illustration of a red arrow. I mistook it for saying "No turn on red" except after red there is also a red circle. So, since the light was red, but there was no red arrow, I could have gone... sorry for the confusion lol...
you said there is a circle coming after the word red. but you also said that "red arrow" was an illustration. so where is the word red?