you know your a drunk when...

you knpw you were drunk when you wake up at 3am fully clothed not knowing how you got home or events that took place... you go the bathroom to puke and slip in piss cause apparently you didnt lift the seat

... had a 40, split a 6 pack of coors, had two margarita steel reserves then maybe 5 shots of tequila each with a hobo underth e bridge i found walking back from the convenience store....thats the last thing i remember
How the hell were you even able to up it up on your front porch? Lol
When you whip out your Willie in your homies house while he is still awake, he kindly tells you not to do that. You responded with "no no its cool bro" then proceed to get knocked the fug out after releasing your piss all over his floor. Then walk 2 miles while blacked out and wake up on the bottom of your staircase outside. The adventures of a 18 year old.
When you hit that point where the clothes suddenly start coming off, then you're running around the back yard in naught but your jocks, fat jiggling in all directions. While your gf tries to get you to put your shit back on. And stop being an ass in front of the guests. I finished that night with a good ol power fountain. Then passed out next to the bed... covered in chuck. Fun times.
the nausea is what you have to worry about, shots are always the worse for it, i like cocaine more then anything

im sure that crack has a horrible comedown

Not at all actually. Its no dif than coke. I mean literally it is coke just without the hcl..
I do a ton and I like to lay somewhere playin music with my eyes closed. But idk I've never felt a hard down after any drug. . well maybe weed cause I might go into a bud coma after a while
Not at all actually. Its no dif than coke. I mean literally it is coke just without the hcl..
I do a ton and I like to lay somewhere playin music with my eyes closed. But idk I've never felt a hard down after any drug. . well maybe weed cause I might go into a bud coma after a while
my buddy was telling me about it, now im extremely curious
i wanna reach the peak of eurphoria mount everest lol
my buddy was telling me about it, now im extremely curious
i wanna reach the peak of eurphoria mount everest lol
(with no tolerance in a 185lb male)
Pop 4 bars..
Take 2 Norco
Drink at Least half a 40
The bars kicking in.. Smoke a blunt.

They're now kicking hard. Do all the coke you can. At Least a gram. You'll pass out/lose memory as soon as you stop

Most euphoria I've ever experience..
(with no tolerance in a 185lb male)
Pop 4 bars..
Take 2 Norco
Drink at Least half a 40
The bars kicking in.. Smoke a blunt.

They're now kicking hard. Do all the coke you can. At Least a gram. You'll pass out/lose memory as soon as you stop

Most euphoria I've ever experience..
i can see myself puking violently already
Nah only the alcohol might make you puke.. You can omit that all together if you want. Sub the 40 with another bar
But it goes great.. So do cigs and I don't even smoke tobacco like that