You got Cat piss ? I Wanna See it!


Well-Known Member
Well i apparently have got some cat piss seeds from a friend of mine and I want to know what these babies look like. so if you have any adult cat piss plants post em up
Here is what i got so far



Well-Known Member
Well i apparently have got some cat piss seeds from a friend of mine and I want to know what these babies look like. so if you have any adult cat piss plants post em up
Here is what i got so far
Most obscure name i've heard yet.


Well-Known Member
haha, ive had weed that smelled like cat piss and i made the dude give my money back

ill do a lil research on the "Cat Piss" strain and see if its indica, sativa or hybrid and see if yours looks similar



Well-Known Member
I never heard of the strain, but I have to say that they are looking good and healthy. Sweet. :cool:


Well-Known Member
i guess CatPiss is a strong sativa and your plants look like they are indica dominant. id say your friend lied about the strain name; but you do have some healthy looking plants


Well-Known Member
I've heard of cat piss.
I have this strain we call mystery.
Friend of mine said it smelled like puke.
I think papayas smell like puke.
Luckily i found some seeds of mystery, it could have either been polinated by itself, super silver haze, sugar kush or tropical mist (SSH x red dragon).
wow, did i ever go off topic... sorry.


Well-Known Member
Aww i was hoping to try out some cat piss that lying piece of crap!!!! and thank you for the + comment to my plants


Well-Known Member
Cat piss, I'll smoke that pussy.

If it smell's like fish and it tastes like chicken, that's where you should shove your dick

Go on laaaaaaaaad!!!!!!