You ever been shit on by a bird

I've never been shit on yet. But I was taunting a female Crow with the garden hose a couple of years ago and the male swooped in from behind me. I could feel how close that MFer came to my head by the wind gust. Those things are huge with full flight wing span.
Ever had a pheasant "come back to life" in your game vest?
No but it's happened with a squirrel a couple times. The little bastards play dead really well. Now I have a humane and quick way to be sure they're really finished before they get a chance to scare the crap out of me.
Sitting downtown in DC eating lunch on a bench with my boss. Seagull swooped in, made a grab for his sandwich and completely spattered my boss's head and sandwich as he was going in for a bite. It was terrible to see. we were shoulder to shoulder.
I got pigeon crap on my nice suit eating lunch at Dupont Circle in downtown DC. Everyone loved feeding those flying rats. The wife got hit on the head by seagulls at the beach and didn't find it as hilarious as I did. I tried explaining it was good luck in Asian culture, but as she's Asian and I'm about as Caucasian as it gets genetically(English, Scottish, Russian and Norse). It didn't seem to help my cause.