Holy fucknads. I am shocked. What a bunch of dimwits. Even she is probably too intelligent for the dumb-festival that will be occurring next week. I thought she would have been right in line. It looks like July has become a sort of Night of the Long Knives for the poor, dumb Republican party. The coup is nearly complete. Thank god they still have Anthony Sabato Jr.. political powerhouses such as he cannot be ignored. Is Caitlyn still coming?
I will be there. There is a cool exhibit on the capture of Adolph Eichman in Cleveland. I like to mix the good with the bad. I am still working on my slogans for the protest. It is tempting to go full retard (like the "KEEP YOUR GUBMINT HANDS OFF MY MEDICAID" lady).
Don't be an ass. Palin is OK. The media just did a number on her. I heard it on Limbaugh and at (literally) the Wal-Mart.
Waka waka