

Whats UP Rollitup community, I've been around for a while. Lurk a lot. Spend time at other forums a lot as well you may recognize me from somewhere else, as I've been an active member in the MMJ community for a while, and have been growing for 13 years. mostly indoor but have def done outdoor more than once and had great results. very much a connoisseur when it comes to herb and heady glass. worked off and on at a collective for about a year before they were shut down by the feds. Also A member of Sticky Frams Gardens Co-op , a northern California group of Caregivers, growers, and patients..
Looking forward to posting some threads up in the future, I'm mostly A soil Gardener, and try to stick mostly to organic methods of growing.
hope to meet some new people and catch up with some old friends.
peace yall


thanks DSB,, Just killing some time before cops comes on cause this shitty Donkos game sucks T-bo ... patriots is whooping Tbos ass

Def will post some more pics soon. unfortunately I had thousands of pics from every grow i ever did lost because my external hard drive crashed after a house fire. really blows. I can take more but I wish I had all those from the past



Thank you all. the 2 pics of all the raised beds and lights was a grow that was ran for a co-op before they got robbed and shortly after the club was shut down. some of the pics are from past personal grows. I stated I lost most of the pictures I had from all the gardens I ever have done because the hard drive they were on was damaged beyond repair in a fire. really let down not just because of the grows but because of all the personal pics of family / friends and vacations, pets, etc... . I have managed to scrape a few back together but not as many as I'd like. thanks again for the + rep and the warm welcomes.


New Member
Welcome aboard! Always good to add another obviously experienced grower to RIU. Great shots man! +rep