Yo, You Wanna Talk About It?

stop moving that dope dude.. you might be making some money, but wait til someone OD's and it comes back to you or someone leads the cops right to you. also, it just flat out ruins people. the money aint worth what youre doing to your own town.
He's from Chicago the drugs he's selling are actually cleaning up his city.. that's how dirty that place is.
holy shit im not ready for summer.
sweating my balls off out here

i know its not 80 i dont care what my car says

"Detectives use fingerprints from PHOTO of perp's hand for ID"

"agents... used fingerprints from a photograph of a suspect's hand to identify him..."

"his fingerprints in at least three of the photos were crystal clear..."

"We didn't have a face of an individual in a photo, but this was even better,"

"Detectives used computers to isolate and extract the detailed fingerprints..."

"It made it a clear conviction, (The jurors) had no doubt in their mind."

"Detectives use fingerprints from PHOTO of perp's hand for ID"

"agents... used fingerprints from a photograph of a suspect's hand to identify him..."

"his fingerprints in at least three of the photos were crystal clear..."

"We didn't have a face of an individual in a photo, but this was even better,"

"Detectives used computers to isolate and extract the detailed fingerprints..."

"It made it a clear conviction, (The jurors) had no doubt in their mind."
that would get beat so quick with any real lawyer.. definitely is interesting though.
that would get beat so quick with any real lawyer.. definitely is interesting though.
Tell that to dude they convicted haha...that is not only case where defendants have been convicted that way, just the one I found w quick search...

I had read about that type of conviction in the past and thought it would be fun food for thought for peeps posting yo/boy-ga...
Tell that to dude they convicted haha...that is not only case where defendants have been convicted that way, just the one I found w quick search...

I had read about that type of conviction in the past and thought it would be fun food for thought for peeps posting yo/boy-ga...
the thing with digital pictures.. they are so easy to alter. but if youre dumb enough to put up pics with full out prints, youll probably get caught one day anyway. i had my retard experience and just did a year. got too comfy with what i was doing and got fucked
I saw that special on PBS I think. It's called A murder of Crows right? It was awesome.
Right?! Pretty dope, huh? I actually saw them on youtube while back, but maybe the vids originated from PBS...this following one did, what a brave and smart creature!!

Ravens and crows are crazy intelligent! I read where this ornithologist captured crows or ravens at his campus for tagging, and every time after when he would come outdoors on campus he would get mobbed by those birds! He even tried wearing disguise but somehow they would always know it was him and they'd mob him!!!

Also, only birds of prey are thought to carry items w their feet, their talons; but, another ornithologist randomly observed a crow carrying half-eaten burger in his beak, this blocked his view making very difficult to fly, and so the bird made mid-air switch to his feet to continue flying w burger!!!

This the childhood moment that Frank Thomas became my favorite baseball player...

Prior to this fateful day, Canseco was my favorite player...he was half of the Bash Brothers and first MLB player to go 40/40...not even getting caught in his Lambo w coke and a gun, or the steroid allegations (obviously, they turned out to be true) could stop me collecting his cards...

Good thing I moved on to the Big Hurt, cuz it turned out that:

"Jose Canseco just snitchin' because he's finished..." -Rick Ross
