squidgy pete
Hi everyone at riu had a browse of your forum and you seem like a decent bunch so thought id come join you and delve into the wealth of knowledge 

You have to hang around and make a few posts and stuff.
"squidgy " ha -I remember buying it on the street rolled like a shoe lace. Wouldn't fucking touch it these days. God knows what the fuck is in it. Welcome by the way
Welcome. If you have thin skin, avoid the politics section. Nice to have ya aboard!
what you currently growing?
Lol, i have a bag of coco and a bag of peralite in my trunk, and i'm about to endelve on my 1st coco grow as well. After i finish my current soil grow. Heres to our success!!!! cheers
Welcome aboard. Yep, mind the words of UncleReemis. That's no place to start out around here. It's the Thunder Dome of RIU. All the other places are safe though. Glad you to have you with us.