Yo check me out I need a couple of good pointer

so I yea I have been reading this forum for a while now and reading info from other places on how to grow and have finally decided to regester. So yea this is my first grow and I only wanted to grow one plant just to test the waters and perfect what it is I wanna do before I get more then one plant started. Ok so I am think I will buy the pots and other little stuff at the local homedepot. Ok now we get into the qeustions so I was thinking of HID's I read that they were good but didn't know and I was going to buy two 100 watt bulbs but didn't know if it was ok to do? And I have a local hydro store that I was going to check out and get fox fire soil if it's avalible. With fertilizer I was looking for one that I saw advertised as "for marijuana growing" I seen it on a seed bank website but I was wondering if yall know of any like this? Thank to all who comment with help.


my advice, do more than one plant the first time. (my first grow i did 4) it gives you more options and if you are growing from seed unless you have feminized seeds then you have the possibility of having males (you dont want those.) As far as HID's I use a 250w MH with a built in ballast. keep in mind you get out what you put in. shitty lights, soil, nutes, seeds = shitty bud. I think the soil you are speaking of is "fox farm" and it is a great medium. As far as nutes go, i use the fox farm grow big formula for vegetative growth, just 5ml per gallon, it works quite well. Here and there i use a small dose of Botanicare Hydroplex its a good source of K+ which is good in vegging bc it aids in strong stem growth and K+ is very essential is the flowering stage. For flowering i use a formula by the name of CNS 17 along with the hyrdoplex. It would also be good to keep cal-mag on hand as well to use when needed. The nutes you NEED will be fairly costly ranging from 20-50 bucks. HOwever the most costly is the lighting. But keep in mind, these are things that you dont want to skimp on. Im not suggesting you go out and buy the most expensive things, im simply implying that you do your research before taking that leap of faith and hoping for the best. The first time you grow WILL BE A LEARNING EXPERIENCE. But the more time, effort and ultimately cost you put into your system the better the outcome. THESE ARE YOUR CHILDREN of sorts lol. Yeah, you can buy payless shoes but nikes get more attention figuratively speaking lol. ULtimately, patience is a virtue with this sort of thing. If you need any future advice feel free to message me.
Got it. lol thank for the quickrelpy and i do understand about the muti-plants its just i have a reletivly small garden soi didnt want to over load it and i was considering MH but didnt know where to buy it from to be honest and how much it would cost me for the lighting. Nutes i was considering going all fox farm (btw sorry yea wrong name lol) as far as nutes but didnt know what to use when i got to harvest stage with fox farm. I dont want to be cheap with my kids but dont have the money for "jordans" right now figurativly speaking lol so i was just looking for a good 200 MH but didnt know where to look on that was my biggest issue.

EDIT: oh and yes i was planning on buying my seeds ferminized from attutide


Active Member
For a medium and nutes I'll point you to Oganics > Subcool's Super Soil Recipe thread. I can recommend it highly. I hear HIDs are good for Veg and help when in Flower combined with an HPS but I have not tried one. I can recommend an HPS for flower but not in comparison to an HID. I have not tried to Veg with an HPS either. I Veg with fluorescents and that has been good for low energy use and small spaces but I would not recommend Flowering under them.
so what ur saying (twistedfunk) is that I'm good with veg but I still need a hps or something in order to help the flowering process? And do you happen to know if 200 watts is enough for one plany or maybe I can use a little less? I haven't read ur recommendation yet but I will be sure to do that next thank alot!


Active Member
Any lighting that you can afford and doesn't cook your plants is fine. The more the better (until you reach saturation).
yea thank for all the advice and I have figured out more of what I want to do and you can give me further advice if you would like. I was thinking of geting a 250 watt HPS sun system and using the fox farm ocean foerst as my medium I am growing in a walk in closet I have and I was considering now going for 2 to 3 planet but more then likely only two because ofthe watts I am working with and also the budget I am on. I was going to buy my seed finminzed from a seed bank online and as for nuts I'm just going to go with mircale grow. I know people may talk down on it but I have seen a lot of evidence that it does work and it's cheap. I'm going to start buying the supplies that I need maybe this next weekend if the money is a avlalible and start growing buy the end of the month.


As far as fem seeds, be extra careful to maintain continuity bc of the strong possibility that they can herm quite easily.. I have a Hydrofarm 250w MH that works great. Im using the hortilux blue bulb. The light system is by far the most expensive up front (mine was about 300) its nice bc it has a built in ballast. Plants dont need as much light during veg so yes, cfl's will work just fine. ive grown up to as many as 9 medium sized plants under that one 250w. It can be done. I also use the fox farm medium. I like it. It;s pH neutral. As far as nutes, use the fox farm grow big fer veg app. 5ml/gallon is all you need. The tiger Bloom by fox farm works well too. If you could give us a rough estimate on your budget that would be easier to work with and better guide you towards the best setup.


The most EFFICIENT lights are 600watts, they put out the most lumens per watts. But they are pricey. No need to worry about that until later when you may want to expand.
will I kinda got a idea of what I am going to do now since my first post and I have switched my lights to a 150 watt HPS sun system that includes the ballist and as far as soil it's still fox farm ocean foerst all the way and 5 gallon buckets after the trans plant. Nutes I am using miracle grow I know I know everybody says they are the deval but I have seen the results with them and they seem to be just as good as anything else. I have asked a few big peiple on here and they all agreeed that it isn't bad to use miracle grow so I'm set on using that sorry dude but unless you got proff on why not to use it I think I'm sticking to my nutes. And the ferm seeds I didn't really understand what it was you were trying to say so if you could repeat in normal writing I might get it lol (no offense)