Yikes!! monster in the loft


Active Member
We got a 6 foot plant :shock: in the loft and its only just starting to flower.Its a natural grow under 2 skylights in the roof.My question is, How much bigger is it going to grow?, coz iam fast running out of roof space.Can i bend the top over so it sort of grows sideways?or would that be detrimental to bud growth?


Well-Known Member
If the only light is coming from roof windows then the chances are that your plant is heavily stretched.

You could tie it down as recommended by pureblood but really you should have dealt with this already before now.


W Dragon

Well-Known Member
another option maybe to surround it with lights to try and stop it from stretching like jondamon said it's a little late and chances are if it's not getting that much light it'll keep stretching for what light is available


get more roof! :hump:

seriously tho, my brothers and I had a very similar issue back in the day in our parents attic. a 9 foot monster pressing against the skylight.
we took the girl and transplanted it inside a small tote, we cut a groove on one side of the tote and laid the plant on its side at a 45 d angle, filled the tote with dirt and lit the length of it with a motley assortment of shop lights, lamps, ect lol what a fiasco. we had support lines stretching across the entire attic and extention cords filled with incandesent light bulbs and shit.

i swear that girl was over 20 feet! but it was 20 years ago and memories tend to exagerate.

sorry if im no help dude, i just read your post and had a flood of nostalgia from the innocent days. :)


Well-Known Member
Well if it has stretched due to natural light then the trunk is probably not overlly thick. I would just bend it over in an arch and tie the top cola as low as possible. Providing this stays below the main arch where it is bent over, all the other nodes will start to grow main colas, and hopefully it will let it bush out a bot more. Good luck...



Active Member
take a shit load of clones buddy! i would top it at around 4 feet and take as many clone's i can off the top.


Well-Known Member
If you do bend it, just do it slowly. You will see that the buds will start reaching upwards toward the light no matter how the plant gets bent. Bending the plant will also often cause it to stop trying to grow upwards as much. It'll be ugly, but you'll still be able to get buds off it!