It's an AF :-\, so cloning isn't really the best option. I have a couple seeds left. Also, I was thinking about it last night and although my "semi-perpetual" idea of PC --> Tent --> repeat is sort of neat, I don't think it's the best way to go about doing things. I'm not sure why I didn't think of it before, but I might as well just grow two plants at once. Barney's LSD in the tent, Easy Ryder in the PC for the time being. That way I'll be able to harvest 5-6 zips every 8-12 weeks instead of 3-4 every 8 weeks, plus I'll have a bit more strain variety and I won't have to mess with "transplanting" (not sure what you'd call it in DWCwell i am not sure of the strain, but if you have the capabilities to do so, i suggest you clone this one in case you experience more problems you at least arent out. and with the new tent you can let it grow in there if all works out!!
i would take like half of the top of it, and leave the other half. cant hurt if you can tell its getting worse.
Fuck it, if it's gonna die chop it and stick the good stem in rooting hormone and see if it will root.
Thanks for all the feedback, guys. Unfortunately I'm currently not equipped with any rooting compound for cloning, so hopefully I can keep her going for a couple more days until I have a car and can run to the store. If not, no biggie. The only problem is if she does take root I'll have nowhere to put her, as there'll be a new plant growing in the PC and I don't particularly want to use the tent for a semi-gimp plant. We'll see. Grr... now I'm wishing I would have waited a couple more days before preparing my next Easy Ryder seed. Oh well.i sorta agree with the abovepost... however i was informedthat it was impossible to root woody stem... you could always try rooting your best shoots off the plant... you may end up with a lot, but it should work...
This is really great advice, thanks gumballyou must stay flexible to your grow because it will not flex around you and your schedule. good luck
Unfortunately that wasn't an option until about a week ago, but now that my tent is set up I'll be starting a second plant as soon as my seeds get hereno offense but thats why you always should grow more than 1. just in case
Yeah man, I'm a bit disappointed too but at least I learned a lot from this one. The next will be better yet!hey aggreenvin
im gutted for you mate, she was lookin good
do you think the doopyness on day14 was when she first got the rot?
good luck for the next run mate im not goin no where!
Hey aggreenvinHey guys, just a quick update this morning. I'll probably have more news later today, as I think my Barney's LSD seeds will be arriving this afternoon.
I still haven't worked up the courage to chop the ol' planterina down, but I am starting my next one.
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For those of you who are curious, here is my germination method:
1 ) Put seed in a cup of plain RO water, let sit in dark place until seed sinks when poked.
2 ) Prepare rock-wool cube by letting it soak in pH 6 water with very low strength seedling nutes. Soak for 24 hours. In the mean time...
3 ) Transfer seed to damp paper towel on a plate, covered by a bowl.
4 ) Set on warm-ish surface and check every once in a while to make sure the paper towel isn't drying out.
5 ) In ~24 hours (sometimes less -- this one only took about 16) or when tap root is 1/4 to 1/2 inch long, finish preparing rock-wool by removing it from solution and squeezing a bit to drain.
6 ) Transfer seed to small hole in rock-wool cube, cover with jar and put in case at 80-85 degrees.
7 ) ???
8 ) Profit.
Right-o. I'll be back later.
I realize my germination method is probably quite a bit more complicated than it has to be. I just ordered a bag of fifty Rapid Rooter plugs, so I'll try something a bit closer to your method next time. Thanks a bunch for referring me to them; I didn't even know they existed! Much better than rock-wool. They should get here on Wednesday, so I'll be using them from here on out (including my first tent grow).I use a much simpler method, and have had 99% germ on all types of plants incl. mary jane. I tried rockwool, still have some, will not use it again. I think your root rot could have been from the RW not draining properly around the stem. The soaking/papertowel are really not needed for any seeds purchased recently, thats just for old seeds you've been saving ect. Just more chances for that delicate little tap root to get dried out/fungus/stunted.
Dip Rapid Rooter in water, squeeze gently to remove excess (not all).
Drop seed in hole
I used a gladware plastic lunchmeat container with lid to hold 5-6 at a time. They are airtight and hold the humidity, just open once a day to check for sprouts and fan fresh air. They sprout a little faster on a seedling mat, but really, anywhere will work.
Regarding your current setup, what about using the PC case for a bonsai mother? take a few cuttings every 8 weeks to flower in your tent.
This leads me to offense but thats why you always should grow more than 1. just in case