

Misguided Angel
The best way to find out is to grow it. I take it this is your first grow? The it will probably be half of what it should be, because you proabably will make mistakes. But that's how you learn. Good luck.


Active Member
That's a question that nobody will be able to give you an honest answer to. There are too many factors that you yourself can change that would directly affect your yield of any plant no matter how it's grown.


Well-Known Member
why do some people always worry about how much they will yield instead of learning how to grow ?


Misguided Angel
Why not, instead of making an ignorant blanket statement, why not share your vast experience and wisdom?
You will get much better results with a better set up for example a 400w HPS for flowering and MH for veg. There is my vast experience and wisdom for the day. Oh and by the way, don't use CFL's!

Bonzi Lighthouse

Well-Known Member
You will get much better results with a better set up for example a 400w HPS for flowering and MH for veg. There is my vast experience and wisdom for the day. Oh and by the way, don't use CFL's!
Hey don't get me wrong I'm vegging with a 400w MH right now and will flower with an HPS, in a 2 x 2 x 6 enclosed space, I'm maintaining a 7* split but it was not cheep to get it to that point.

Before making the blanket statement "CFL's Suck" take into mind not every grow room is suitable for HID and not every grower can make the up front investment necessary to have a CONTROLLED environment. Next grow i am going to experiment with T5 HO for vegging.


Well-Known Member
Cfls work great in many situations hid isnt an option, dont diss cfls........if you can you should always try to go with the hid setup, but dont just dismiss cfls out of hand.....


Well-Known Member
Why not, instead of making an ignorant blanket statement, why not share your vast experience and wisdom?
This spoken by a person who DOES NOT use CFL's. So STFU STUPID!!!

An ignorant blanket question deserves an ignorant blanket answer!

I don't need to share my vast wealth of experience with morons who won't listen, could'nt apply and plain just would'nt understand like you Bonzi.

Bonzi Lighthouse

Well-Known Member
This spoken by a person who DOES NOT use CFL's. So STFU STUPID!!!

An ignorant blanket question deserves an ignorant blanket answer!

I don't need to share my vast wealth of experience with morons who won't listen, could'nt apply and plain just would'nt understand like you Bonzi.
Not sure how old you are but there is a good chance I grew under fluorescents before you were born and an almost 100% chance that my first outdoor grow was before well before you were born.


Well-Known Member
alright guys, thats not going anywhere worthwhile, lets focus our attention on trying to help people and not fighting with each other, its just turning into mudslinging now, no point in it.


Well-Known Member
I been growin treez around Bonzi's for 30+ yrs.

I don't like being insulted and will defend myself when necessary.


Active Member
i think its the old skool growers that refuse to understand or consider cfl's , like old people that still swear by the telegram or vhs. and cfl's are really good at least for vegging, their far cheaper, more enviro fiendly, far less obvious, far less odour , less ventilation is needed becuase its not as hot so c02 generators actually work .and you hav absolutely no chance of getting caught out by infra-red police helicopters, and frankly for the extra risk, id rather have slightly less dense buds and slighlty less yeild in exchange for the continuation of my liberty.


Well-Known Member
Ok i use cfls to start seedlings and root cuttings. I have an enclosed space for my SOG that is lite by an 400watt HID MH. The space is 2.5x2.5x8. After 4 weeks of 12/12 with the MH i switch to the brighter 400HPS. You can get buds that lack weight and density but still make enough on that one plant to buy a 400w or bigger. SO in your case a cfl is better than an HID for Now. As far as yield goes.. It doesnt go far. So if you want a 1/4 oz go with the cfl. Now if you want 25 SOG plants and a half pound of kush go with the 400. Your gonna need alot of cfls for a cfl grow. Not just one. If you can go get the 20$ 250w CFL i would. Make sure your lamp can handle more than 60watts. Goodluck.


Well-Known Member
Ok i use cfls to start seedlings and root cuttings. I have an enclosed space for my SOG that is lite by an 400watt HID MH. The space is 2.5x2.5x8. After 4 weeks of 12/12 with the MH i switch to the brighter 400HPS. You can get buds that lack weight and density but still make enough on that one plant to buy a 400w or bigger. SO in your case a cfl is better than an HID for Now. As far as yield goes.. It doesnt go far. So if you want a 1/4 oz go with the cfl. Now if you want 25 SOG plants and a half pound of kush go with the 400. Your gonna need alot of cfls for a cfl grow. Not just one. If you can go get the 20$ 250w CFL i would. Make sure your lamp can handle more than 60watts. Goodluck.

That is a great way to use CFL's. I use flouro's in my veg cab.