Yield problems

So I've been growing with a 1000w light and ballast and can never get more than 6 ounces of bud per harvest? My first one was actually around 9 ounces but I haven't gotten close to that recently. I use a 4x4x7 tent as well as just purchased a new bulb. What am I doin wrong, cuz I heard I just be able to get t least a lb with a 1000. Please get back soon. Thx ps I should mention that I'm 5 wks into my new grow and it looks like it'll be a stretch to get 4 ounces this harvest. Needless to say I'm frustrated


Well-Known Member
I'm still a relatively new grower. But having read a lot of articles/journals and threads, I'll contribute whatever I know so far.

You cannot just rely on the light for large yields. There are many factors that may be involved.
1. Heat, is the temperature at the optimum range? If not, that may be stressing your plant.
2. Nutrients, are you feeding them enough for optimum growth? I'm sure you're not overfeeding, otherwise you would know, considering you have grown before.

Is there anything different you did between your first grow and the ones after that? perhaps pot size, different soil, different environment, different light cycle, different strain?
Many of those contribute to the way your plant grows.

I'm going to assume you are growing regular seeds, and not autoflowers. Did you change how long your vegging/flowering stages go for?

Remember, the light bulb does play a big factor on yield and quality of the bud, but there are many other factors that contribute to it as well.

Hope this helps, if there are any experienced growers out there, correct me if I'm wrong.

Good luck!


what medium are you using. what strain of plants are you using. and what is the temp around plants. also do you top your plants or remove the lower branches.
I'm still a relatively new grower. But having read a lot of articles/journals and threads, I'll contribute whatever I know so far.

You cannot just rely on the light for large yields. There are many factors that may be involved.
1. Heat, is the temperature at the optimum range? If not, that may be stressing your plant.
2. Nutrients, are you feeding them enough for optimum growth? I'm sure you're not overfeeding, otherwise you would know, considering you have grown before.

Is there anything different you did between your first grow and the ones after that? perhaps pot size, different soil, different environment, different light cycle, different strain?
Many of those contribute to the way your plant grows.

I'm going to assume you are growing regular seeds, and not autoflowers. Did you change how long your vegging/flowering stages go for?

Remember, the light bulb does play a big factor on yield and quality of the bud, but there are many other factors that contribute to it as well.

Hope this helps, if there are any experienced growers out there, correct me if I'm wrong.

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Six ounces from a small tent is not bad at all! You didn't say how many plants you got going
but can't be very many in a space that small.

You can grow for speed or you can grow for yield. If you want to increase your yield the easiest
thing you can do is increase your pot size and count on giving the plants some more time.

I like experimenting so I usually grow a half-dozen varieties at a time and pick out the one or two
I like the most to re-grow and/or clone. So I grow "fast". By fast I mean small pots and daily watering
with nute water. I veg for around 4 weeks and flower most indicas 5-6 weeks. With 2 weeks from germination
to seedling status most of my grows are done in less than 12 weeks.

If I was determined to jack up yield I would go to a 5-gallon or larger pot. While vegging I would trim her twice.
Once after she is old enough to give clones, say at 4 weeks in dirt. I cut off the 3-5 tallest branches just like I
was taking clones. Veg another week for recovery and chop off the next 3-5 tallest branches just the same way.
Letting her veg another week or so will mean maybe 7-8 weeks vegging. When you go to 12/12 you will have a
shorter but much bushier version of the plant than you would have if you hadn't cut her. As a result of all the cutting you will
have 2 or 3 times as many growing points, bud spots, than you would have had without trimming.

Best advice I can give to someone wanting a big yield is to grow a lot of different varieties. Identify those types that are both fast and
big yielders. Then grow and re-grow them. Re-grown indicas yield 150-200% more on a re-grow! Reason -- you have cut the hell
out of the plant during harvest and every cut branch re-grows into 2 smaller bud sites.

So, find your big yielders and adapt a routine to increase their yield. Start out with good stock and go from there. Two strains perfect
for your needs that I have grown and re-grown are "Kushage" by T.H.Seeds and "Gigabud" (forget distributor). Both are fast and big
yielders that take well to frequent cutting and trimming.

Good luck, BigSteve.
Hey I'm growin in soil. What should the temp be? If anything it might be that the temp is too cold cuz it doesn't seem that hot. As far as the 6oz in a small tent goes, I've heard that I should be able to get a lb in a tent that size. I'm using 1 gallon pots I believe but have a stash of 3 gallon ones which are pretty big. Would that help?
I also use bumper and blossom a and b. I've flowered them for 5 1/2 weeks now. The strain is OG kush. I'll try to get a pic up ASAP. I also noticed today that one of the plants looks like its starting to die. Wtf??


scrog that bitch man utilize every inch you have in that tent. This method alone should double your average yield given you provide your plants with the best environment you can i.e nutes/water/light/ventilation/cleanlinessbongsmilie


Well-Known Member
on some real shit yield is up to you. veg longer or change up the (media) sytem, could be the nute you are choosing and temps need to be pristine thru out the grow for max yield


Well-Known Member
screen of green, plants are trained to a screen and everything below the screen is cut off. plant is weaved in the screen till it is filled up then flowered