Yield every 2 weeks

i would use 14 plants under the 1000w use a perpendicular hood with the light vertical put the plants in a circle so the colas are on the edge of the hood with a fan in the middle blowing up at the light to even out the hot air this way you can have your light very low i get 2 lbs dried every time like that!!!
i would use 14 plants under the 1000w use a perpendicular hood with the light vertical put the plants in a circle so the colas are on the edge of the hood with a fan in the middle blowing up at the light to even out the hot air this way you can have your light very low i get 2 lbs dried every time like that!!!

I have never heard of a perpendicular hood. Enlighten us. Ypu mean a vertical hood, or a parabolic.
When u use 14 plants and u get ur 2 lbs, what is your whole process time??? How long vegg to budd??? I guess flowering would be the same period regardless, but do you vegg for a long time???
By the way, You can get vertical Parabolic and round hoods for like $60 all over the place. I have heard they work better when you have a bunch of them in the room or they are in a tent/ enclosed room. Disperse light evenly. The parabolics where you can mount the bulb horizontally is where the price goes up but it is always nice to have that option
I veg 1 week from clones then flip the get about 3 1/2 feet tall when done somtimes i use 16 under a light always between 14 and 16 plants the hoods are 3 footers! plants are in a circle so the colas are right at the edge of the hood this way i drop the 1000w hps right in the middle the tops are like a inch away from the edge of the hood i put a fan in the middle of the light about two inches from the light this way it evenly speads the heat so it doesnt get that hot being so close to the plants i use 4x4 space for each light i do 4 1000w hps so my room is 16feet long 8 feet wide i put the pots on a platform that i built angled it to drain in the middle i use sunshine mix works freakin great always 2 lb per light dry the strains i use are "Sensi Star" and "UBC" also I paid 2 thousand dollars for my nutrient reciepe it is well worth though!
Thats interesting. I have never heard of this. I am more of a trial and error type of guy. and keep buying more expensive products. That seems like a good method to Try, DO you rotate you plants like a quarter turn daily. I was thinking of maybe trying this. My reflector is a little bigger, Bus I was thinking about my be hanigng another lamp vertically down lower to help the under foliage. And of course rotate my plants a quarter tunr a day. SOunds pretty solid. Thanks 2per
nope i dont rotate i dont think u would need to put another light for foilage the first light is low and plus you woulde want a fan on a 5 gallon bucket in the middle
yo plain and simple u need more watts.. i run a 1000w mh in my veg and a t-5 flourescent over my cloner and 3 1000w hps and 1 1000w mh in flowering and i have no more then 10 plants per light croping once a month 10 plants under two 1000ws...
and what do u yield per light dry? 1 1000w light works fine for me i dont the i need more watts 2 lbs a light dry works for me i have heard of anyone getting more using soiless
and what do u yield per light dry? 1 1000w light works fine for me i dont the i need more watts 2 lbs a light dry works for me i have heard of anyone getting more using soiless

2 pounds dry would be plenty for me to. He just added up 5k of lighting real quick. Im not in that game. I really want to try that method you described. have you seen that grow by oregon Meds where he hangs a bare 1000w BUlb in a circle of trees. I think he got about 2 lbs off that.
well seeing as hes vegging for 2 weeks then budding, these plants rnt gonna get big.. hes doin a SOG of small plants... reaistical u can do a SOG with 4 plants per square foot...
a 1000k bulb will cover a 4x4 (16 squared feet)area no problem... 16 squared feet times 4plant per square foot equals 64... i feel that 64 is too tite but 40 sounds good, if he had a 5x5 area 64 would be ideal
well seeing as hes vegging for 2 weeks then budding, these plants rnt gonna get big.. hes doin a SOG of small plants... reaistical u can do a SOG with 4 plants per square foot...
a 1000k bulb will cover a 4x4 (16 squared feet)area no problem... 16 squared feet times 4plant per square foot equals 64... i feel that 64 is too tite but 40 sounds good, if he had a 5x5 area 64 would be ideal
what does that have to do with anything????????