Yield calculator: Ideas on mathematically formulating the most desired grow tool


Active Member
this is a fantastic idea, and i hate to be the "downer" here, but i really think there are too many variables in growing to be able to produce a formula for yield. i look at the field (no pun intended) of growing and think that it has been around for quite some time, and if something like that formula hasn't been discoverd already (i mean, we are stoners and have some wild ideas) the odds of it happening now are pretty slim.

i do like to see your enthusiasm for growing though, put that effort into your plants and see what happens!
I hear ya, and I know it looks like misplaced enthusiasm. I just want to arrive at a rough "decision tree" that shows most likely outcomes with choices along the way to growing medicine. I really feel like it will be an enormous tool for beginners and experts, and serves as a great juxtaposition between different grow styles.

I think scientists or such could figure this out if they collected all the info they could from as many grows as possible on the internet and in contact with differen't breeder companies and famous growers. They could get pretty damned close, but with marijuana not even being medically legal in what 15 states no one has the connections, the manpower, the brains or the balls to figure this out *as they are either busy growing, doing other science, and fighting to get it legal
I agree, we are missing a lot of very smart people due to legal status.


Well-Known Member
quite an intriguing idea. accuracy in your calculations will become more and more varied the more variables you enter into the equation, the wider your range of outcomes will be. .some things in the growing process would be hard to quantify and therefore would be hard to use in the equation. usually yield expectations are more of a feeling based upon experience with the setup and the strain. with a long process that has so many variables, it is difficult to accurately predict results. this would be easier to accomplish for a specific setup and strain but once you have compiled enough data in your tests, you already have a feeling about what to expect.