Yet another lighting question


Well-Known Member
By all means if you need to suspend my account
I'm not a moderator. I cannot suspend your account. I was trying to give you a heads up so that you don't get in trouble... but if you don't care about being here and just feel like causing trouble, I'll gladly report your post to ensure that a moderator see it and takes the proper action.


Well-Known Member
if you are concerned with rules so much then stop growing marijuana. I help out everyone that I can.... all i said to the guy was

"go with a 1000w hps"

so your telling me that most people if money was not an issue would use a 150w hps just because its cheaper on the electric bill? Lets see your grow, put up or stfu


Well-Known Member
Nobody here likes a smart ass...can you read little guy? he's growing 1 plant at a time....and is new at this you trying to set him up for failure? I want everyone in the world to be able to grow..anyway nice duck go with a 250hps you could grow three small one under it if you decide to grow more in the some research into ph testers...good soil without time release fert cause it will mess you can add more lummens all you want it will NOT make you a better grower... your soil is good your ph is correct you can grow dank under cfls with like 1500 lumens per sq/ft just did it however hps is still faster and grows larger buds...hell one plant cfl's might be something to think about but if you plan to grow more than one get the 250-400hps it will work better in the long run good luck grow on......underphire just remeber not everyone is willing to risk it....and any more than 30 plants I'd have to quit my job to care for them all.....good thing I don't work for a living :) just get them growing how big they get is up to them thats fighting the good fight grow on


Well-Known Member
Well money isn't the issue my shits going for 20 a gm so a new light and cool tube and running the a/c fan all the time isn't shit whats 500 dollars?'s the whole legality of growing and the bigger the opp the harder to hide I suggest setting up franchises at other friends houses to limit your own liability


Well-Known Member
yeah thats the first rule...I have been doing this for almost 20 years...and have been busted before its been a long time but I speak from experience when I was in my 20's I would have def not done this however I'm older now and so are my friends we all have houses and familys....we aren't really wild and crazy anymore so there is really no reason for the cops to want to come by if you know whwer I'm coming from as you get older you learn to bend the rules not break them there is always a better way to do things I have joint grows at 4 friend houses all set up just like mine I got them started up so now I reap the benifits I always get a cut of each harvest and my friends know me they know the game there play n and would never say shit anyway in ohio you have to have over 20000 gms to do any manditory jail time everything else is a probation issue I got popped with 3 lights and over 27 ripe plants over 1 1/2 lbs dry and got 2 years probation and was off all probation in 7 months too many violent crimes were I live they laughed at me in yeah dont tell anyone let them show an interest and say why don't we try to grow can't do it here my wife or whatevr and set up at there house..tell them you'll start them at your house and bring them over and take some good clones over or how ever I trust my friends that much.....dosen't sound like you trust your friends sucks to have shady friends but yeah what i do is me I shouldn't have suggested it without explaination of situation kids don't try this at home :)


Well-Known Member
Whoa a little hostile. Fuck you, you stupid fucking prick.Money is not important. I wanted to test my grow on 4 plants before I go all out. Sorry if your a little hard on cash right now or something bro. I hope you get raped and all of your children are born with aids.

oh and if you read the journal, temp is not a factor
dude nothing about that post was hostile. i am just trying to make a point and for you to come and tell this guy to get a 1000 watt light is crazy he wants to grow for himself for personal use you don't need a 1000 watter for that as for your grow i'm glad heat isn't a problem for you and thats great it's a tester grow thats fine but you never stated that at least from what i read and yea theirs no reason to get uppity. don't give advice thats not proper this guy isn't supplyin his town with herb i grow 6 nice size plants under 400 watts and its plenty for a personal grow i could probably get away with less its not about the money i could esily afford to run an op in my garage with 3 1000 watters no problem the thing is im a grown up i dont need to mess with that my life is right where it needs to be i dont need to supplament my income by growing mad herb to sell to kids you need to relax read and smoke some weed have a nice day:peace:oh i didn't even address the rapeing and hiv kids but i'll let it go cause i can see your a little hostile yourself their i don't want you to hunt me down and put your penis in my bottom that would suck


Well-Known Member
yeah thats the first rule...I have been doing this for almost 20 years...and have been busted before its been a long time but I speak from experience when I was in my 20's I would have def not done this however I'm older now and so are my friends we all have houses and familys....we aren't really wild and crazy anymore so there is really no reason for the cops to want to come by if you know whwer I'm coming from as you get older you learn to bend the rules not break them there is always a better way to do things I have joint grows at 4 friend houses all set up just like mine I got them started up so now I reap the benifits I always get a cut of each harvest and my friends know me they know the game there play n and would never say shit anyway in ohio you have to have over 20000 gms to do any manditory jail time everything else is a probation issue I got popped with 3 lights and over 27 ripe plants over 1 1/2 lbs dry and got 2 years probation and was off all probation in 7 months too many violent crimes were I live they laughed at me in yeah dont tell anyone let them show an interest and say why don't we try to grow can't do it here my wife or whatevr and set up at there house..tell them you'll start them at your house and bring them over and take some good clones over or how ever I trust my friends that much.....dosen't sound like you trust your friends sucks to have shady friends but yeah what i do is me I shouldn't have suggested it without explaination of situation kids don't try this at home :)

yeah that makes sense, i have friends I could tell, but then I have friends that would tell everyone. having a family changes everything

Patch Buddey

Active Member
Can't we all just get along? LOL.

Ended up getting :

Product: HTGSupply 400 watt High Pressure Sodium Grow Light
4 Sided Horizontal Reflector
AgroMax 400 watt HPS Bulb
Dual Outlet Digital Timer w/ Battery BackUp

Product: GrowBright 16 Inch Oscillating Fan, qty - 2


Well-Known Member
Can't we all just get along? LOL.

Ended up getting :

Product: HTGSupply 400 watt High Pressure Sodium Grow Light
4 Sided Horizontal Reflector
AgroMax 400 watt HPS Bulb
Dual Outlet Digital Timer w/ Battery BackUp

Product: GrowBright 16 Inch Oscillating Fan, qty - 2
you did prety good have you thought about e=an exhaust fan i think you may be better to return 1 of the oscillating fans when when it gets their and get a good squirrel cage for exhaust somthing to think about

Patch Buddey

Active Member
you did prety good have you thought about e=an exhaust fan i think you may be better to return 1 of the oscillating fans when when it gets their and get a good squirrel cage for exhaust somthing to think about

Yea, I was looking at some of those, but not sure one would work in my setup. I have no where to send the exhaust. I would have to get a pic to show you. The doors are vented though, so maybe I could hook up something. I figured the fans would push out air. I was going to have one fan sucking air in the vents in one door, and the other fans blowing toward the other door. Hope to create circulation.


Well-Known Member
You got the light!!!!

Awesome... You will be happy with the HPS...

Just remember, if your temps get out of control... you can always slap that bulb in a cool tube and get rid of 90% of it's heat!!!


As for the ventilation... that stuff is pretty important...

Just as in the light, my suggestion is to get a little bigger than you need... that way you will not have to upgrade next week...

Passive intakes should be adequate, but I would deff. put a strong cage or centrifugal fan on the exhaust...

You can put the fans outside of your grow space, connected with ducting... just make sure that the intake cannot bring in the exhausted hot air...

Patch Buddey

Active Member
You got the light!!!!

Awesome... You will be happy with the HPS...

Just remember, if your temps get out of control... you can always slap that bulb in a cool tube and get rid of 90% of it's heat!!!


As for the ventilation... that stuff is pretty important...

Just as in the light, my suggestion is to get a little bigger than you need... that way you will not have to upgrade next week...

Passive intakes should be adequate, but I would deff. put a strong cage or centrifugal fan on the exhaust...

You can put the fans outside of your grow space, connected with ducting... just make sure that the intake cannot bring in the exhausted hot air...
Thanks. I will def' be keeping my eye on the heat for sure.


Well-Known Member
if you are concerned with rules so much then stop growing marijuana. I help out everyone that I can.... all i said to the guy was

"go with a 1000w hps"

so your telling me that most people if money was not an issue would use a 150w hps just because its cheaper on the electric bill? Lets see your grow, put up or stfu

LIAR!!!!!!! you wished rape upon him and aids on his children. :fire:


Well-Known Member
No, I wished aids/rapage on the guy that commented my growroom, not the guy who needed help..... LIAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
yeah i guess it would be worse insulting the guy who commented your growroom rather than the guy who needed help in the thread. What the fuck are you talking about?