Yesterday's Mass Shooting.

whats the solution? Take away guns lol. Authorities only know about registered guns. Theres just as many illegal and or unregistered. I thought stop and frisk was racist
Someone just said something about cops in school and they were quickly called stupid in so many words but waiting until its over for cops to bring the guns to shoot the perp doesn’t seem any more brilliant.
No its not. My point is only the problem is much deeper than the gun. Something is driving the desire for someone to squeeze the trigger. No guns it will be something else. Its a guarantee without fixing the why
No its not. My point is only the problem is much deeper than the gun. Something is driving the desire for someone to squeeze the trigger. No guns it will be something else. Its a guarantee without fixing the why
Many kids don't fit in, and our world is relentless on them. I'm sure many of us felt angry enough to take out the world when we were kids.
I was autistic and borderline personality for 80% of my life before diagnosis. You can imagine how much fun I had.
Im sorry you wnt and are going throught that. And i agree we all felt like we could take out the world sometimes but my house always had guns lots of them and way before any safe storage laws and guess what we didn’t. Im sure it happened somewhere sometime but it was sure not common
I find it strange that back in the late 80s early 90 we had cops in school, yes with their gun, just because of drugs, weed mostly but in today’s society of violence it doesn’t make any sense
No one needs a fucking Assault Weapon for self defense or hunting. No one needs more than 6 shots, ever. No one needs an auto loading anything. We do not need guns everywhere.
Anothe NRA Republican Sponsored Mass Killing.
Im sorry you wnt and are going throught that. And i agree we all felt like we could take out the world sometimes but my house always had guns lots of them and way before any safe storage laws and guess what we didn’t. Im sure it happened somewhere sometime but it was sure not common
Luckily I grew up and I'm doing OK in my own way. I didn't know I would though.
Its not like that here either. Super blue state with plenty of red support. We still sit down and have coffee and eggs with each other like old days laughing wondering what the fuck is going on
No one needs a fucking Assault Weapon for self defense or hunting. No one needs more than 6 shots, ever. No one needs an auto loading anything. We do not need guns everywhere.
Anothe NRA Republican Sponsored Mass Killing.

We need to stop letting a corrupt organization like the NRA dictate gun policy in America. NRA membership is less than 2% of the population of the United States. That slimy organization should not have the power that it does. They're nothing more than the marketing arm for gun manufacturers.
until you know someone in a shooting that's affected by it , plot twist it really happened . some mentailly unstable teen and agencies that could've stopped did nothing they had signs and ignored them ... we live in texas , guns will never go away and if they do they taking me and my 18 friends with me .
I don't know any child actors.
Which proves its not the gun imo. Its a deterioration of mental health, of parenting, of morals, of society in general.

I think its a combination of this plus American gun culture. We have to acknowledge other countries don't have this issue, it is a distinctly American problem. It's a bad combination.

Other countries have lots of guns, other countries have the mentioned mental health type issues, but they seem to come together here in a uniquely shitty way.

I do think the pro gun crowd has been pretty hardcore in stonewalling on the discussion, as it sits its now a partisan divide issue. Refusing to even consider looking at the issue as a whole, which includes looking at actual guns, doesn't get us anywhere.
Which proves its not the gun imo. Its a deterioration of mental health, of parenting, of morals, of society in general.
Which proves it’s the gun. Bad parenting, mental health issues, lack of morals and a messed up society are nothing new, that’s humanity. It should be obvious not everyone can handle guns and innocent people will end up dead, and that’s why nobody should allowed to own one. I can live with speedlimits because they apply to everyone else too. The whole gun debate in the US is retarded in every sense of the word. You do not need a gun. If you think you do, you prove you shouldn’t be allowed to have one. There’s only one appropriate response to someone wanting to buy a gun: “why the fuck would you need a gun!?”, a rethorical question, you don’t. Why can’t you just allow hunting rifles for licensed responsible hunters only, guns (not a fucking AR crazy fuckers) at a gun range, lock in box while on the way there and back. The only solution is repealing the second. As long as you do not want to discuss that because the constitution is holy or some other ignorant fallacy you’re just being dumbasses who bring this on yourself and your children. 19 children dead in one classroom and you‘re still debating gun laws. Madness. This problem can only be addressed by the source, repeal the 2nd.


EvEn iF we WouLd TAKE ALL tHe lEGAL gUNs theRE WiLL STill BE MIllIons IlLeGalLY. :wall:
school shooting is really an american thing. soo probably your school sistem is fucked up. because rest of the world has guns as well but nobody shoots schools. usually your kids shot other kids. meaning you make them angry on each other somehow. too much competition or too much diversity...