Yesterday's Mass Shooting.

Wow I'm scared for our country. The only ones that speak out are the radical. Rational people need to stand up and stop being scared of standing out in the crowd and people not liking or agreeing with them.
I wish someone would change something other than the only option be take away everyone's guns or let this shit go on.

Nice strawman argument. This viewpoint is why your country is the only country in the world that has daily mass shootings.

How about don't let random people roam the schools! Or maybe allow teachers to have their rights to protect themselves and others
So, your solution is more guns in schools.

Wow I'm scared for our country. The only ones that speak out are the radical. Rational people need to stand up and stop being scared of standing out in the crowd and people not liking or agreeing with them.
Obviously you don’t own a nice vehicle in a rural part of Michigan
Just put a Biden sticker or two and everything will be mysteriously torn off
Mirrors, wipers …
Nothing to see here. Just another false flag by the corrupt FBI in order to take away our guns. :hump:
until you know someone in a shooting that's affected by it , plot twist it really happened . some mentailly unstable teen and agencies that could've stopped did nothing they had signs and ignored them ... we live in texas , guns will never go away and if they do they taking me and my 18 friends with me .
Its easy to blame the gun but nobody seems interested in why people are using them. Mental illness is mental illness and evil is evil. You could take every gun ever made a melt it into one big ball of shit but if we can’t fix the heart of the problem it will just happen by different means. And the well the numbers wouldn’t be the same argument is bullshit. Ask Tim Mcveigh
I didn't hear about the shooting until late last night talking to a friend on the phone. These are so common that I really didn't even give it any thought. I just asked how many were killed and said Oh. And I know I'm not the only one with that reaction. These are becoming so common that it's more shocking when a day goes by that you don't hear about one than when you do.

Does anyone know what Well Regulated Militia this killer was part of?