Well-Known Member
I dont understand the bolded.
The Second Amendment came about as a mechanism to distribute power away from an elite with possibly authoritarian ambitions. Repealing or modifying it is politically impossible at this time. I blame the toxic use of “states’ rights”, which for all the framers’ good intentions was one of their really big fails.
It is also important to understand the language in its time. “Well-regulated” and “militia” mean something waay different in 2022 than in 1790. The second half is simpler, but Scotus has on various occasions see fit to conditionalize (infringe on, by any logic) our weapon rights/privileges.
Looking at the rise of armed bigots and mass shootings, I agree something has to be done. But first we need to deal with our radical-majority Scotus. That Thomas is not at least suspended is scandalous.
Thanks for that explanation. I know literally fuck all about your country's mechanisms, but I'm learning. In short order. The original sentence before an edit was "the logic is to cut off your nose to spite your face". You've answered part of that concept with the SCOTUS, and another post mentioned the various laws in different states. It seems as though some States or slicing apart their nostrils to spite their ugly maw.