Yesterday's Mass Shooting.

I dont understand the bolded.
The Second Amendment came about as a mechanism to distribute power away from an elite with possibly authoritarian ambitions. Repealing or modifying it is politically impossible at this time. I blame the toxic use of “states’ rights”, which for all the framers’ good intentions was one of their really big fails.

It is also important to understand the language in its time. “Well-regulated” and “militia” mean something waay different in 2022 than in 1790. The second half is simpler, but Scotus has on various occasions see fit to conditionalize (infringe on, by any logic) our weapon rights/privileges.

Looking at the rise of armed bigots and mass shootings, I agree something has to be done. But first we need to deal with our radical-majority Scotus. That Thomas is not at least suspended is scandalous.

Thanks for that explanation. I know literally fuck all about your country's mechanisms, but I'm learning. In short order. The original sentence before an edit was "the logic is to cut off your nose to spite your face". You've answered part of that concept with the SCOTUS, and another post mentioned the various laws in different states. It seems as though some States or slicing apart their nostrils to spite their ugly maw. ;)
Canadians and many other countries have never seen or had to deal with the amount of extreme violence that's been happening in your country.
That's because they/other countries have some semblance of sanity, which no longer, if it ever fucking did, exist here in this fucking horror show called life in America today.

The fucking Constitution

Bow down to these Holy Words/phrases & innuendos and give joy to the genius of a bunch of wooden toothed crackers. (Yea, that's what most of them were) that existed over 200 fucking years ago.
These are our guides in 2022?
Fuck YOU Alito, you Catholic prick
I want to live in 2022 and deal with TODAY'S issues, not some hypothetical shit from the 18/15th century.

Yup, just like those other useless volumes of mystical gibberish, the Old & New Testaments (one's right/the other's wrong :) ) & the Quran, which depending on your interpretation is a guide for the path leading to Enlightenment or a manual for torture. (ask Afghani women)

It's time to dump the 2nd & re-evaualt the 1st

Shit's getting out of hand

Song of the night :)

I like this & it fits my mood

That's because they/other countries have some semblance of sanity, which no longer, if it ever fucking did, exist here in this fucking horror show called life in America today.

The fucking Constitution

Bow down to these Holy Words/phrases & innuendos and give joy to the genius of a bunch of wooden toothed crackers. (Yea, that's what most of them were) that existed over 200 fucking years ago.
These are our guides in 2022?
Fuck YOU Alito, you Catholic prick
I want to live in 2022 and deal with TODAY'S issues, not some hypothetical shit from the 18/15th century.

Yup, just like those other useless volumes of mystical gibberish, the Old & New Testaments (one's right/the other's wrong :) ) & the Quran, which depending on your interpretation is a guide for the path leading to Enlightenment or a manual for torture. (ask Afghani women)

It's time to dump the 2nd & re-evaualt the 1st

Shit's getting out of hand

Song of the night :)

I like this & it fits my mood

Don't even get me started on Religion. I'm "Catholic". I wanted words with a Bishop doing the first communion of my Nephew. They're becoming worried people can see through the veil these days.
Don't even get me started on Religion. I'm "Catholic". I wanted words with a Bishop doing the first communion of my Nephew. They're becoming worried people can see through the veil these days.
I spent 12 years in Catholic schools & I will never/have not steped foot in a church in 50 years except for funerals of people I cared for.

I respect the teachings/philosophy of Jesus Christ, but to say a Man (Pope)can speak for God & be irrefutable in his decrees is total shit.

Fuck the RC Church & all it adherents, primitive fuckers that they are

She had it right :)

But first we need to deal with our radical-majority Scotus.
The way it's set up is fundamentally flawed. Lifetime appointments by officials elected to 4-year terms is ridiculous. I get it that consistancy in the branch is important, but pairing it down to 20-years sure would help a lot. Weird how @Herb & Suds voted for the guy who appointed him, but with a 20-year term, he'd be gone by now. Also weird how 11 Democratic senators voted for his confirmation, with full knowledge of Anita Hill's allegations.
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There have been more mass shootings than days in 2022
From CNN's Christina Maxouris

Tuesday, May 24, was the 144th day of the year.

There have so far been at least 212 mass shootings in 2022, according to the nonprofit organization Gun Violence Archive. This means there have been more mass shootings this year than there have been days in 2022.

CNN and the GVA define a mass shooting as a shooting that injured or killed four or more people, not including the shooter.
Repealing or modifying it is politically impossible at this time.
Why not?
It is only held Sacrosanct by a small portion of our society, so why is their fucking archaic beliefs held above the FUCKING MAJORITY just like those Pro life (Adopt one or two or three & do your fucking part to end child hunger) zealots.
Can't live in the stone age forever
Why not?
It is only held Sacrosanct by a small portion of our society, so why is their fucking archaic beliefs held above the FUCKING MAJORITY just like those Pro life (Adopt one or two or three & do your fucking part to end child hunger) zealots.
Can't live in the stone age forever
look up what it takes to amend the Constitution. Consider that the Equal Rights Amendment deadlined out.
These are the weapons of choice of most mass murderers in the US ($1299.00 @ your local dealer (Walmart stopped two years ago/bad for their image apparently)

This was the shooters Instagram post last night)

America will probably lose more people to guns this year, than the Ukrainians will lose soldiers to combat in defending their country and it's like that year after year in America.

2016 had a lot of Russian money dumped into the NRA to pass on to republicans and Trump
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I ignored this thread because it wasn't yesterday when I saw it. Now it's almost yesterday again. What a damn shame. I wish someone would change something other than the only option be take away everyone's guns or let this shit go on. How about don't let random people roam the schools! Or maybe allow teachers to have their rights to protect themselves and others
I ignored this thread because it wasn't yesterday when I saw it. Now it's almost yesterday again. What a damn shame. I wish someone would change something other than the only option be take away everyone's guns or let this shit go on. How about don't let random people roam the schools! Or maybe allow teachers to have their rights to protect themselves and others
Don't worry, there will always be airsoft and paintball, you can take up archery and learn a skill! Be positive.
Looks like good guys were there with guns, he still killed 20 people, not just guns should be banned, body armor should be too, war is Hell, or should be. Fear dives it all, fear drives gun sales and body armor sales too, be afraid, be very afraid, but you too can be GI Joe, just like when ya were a kid.
Suspect was wearing body armor and crashed car before entering school, DPS says
From CNN's Anderson Cooper

A police vehicle is seen parked near the truck believed to belong to the shooting suspect.
A police vehicle is seen parked near the truck believed to belong to the shooting suspect. (Marco Bello/Reuters)

Texas Department of Public Safety Sgt. Erick Estrada told CNN's Anderson Cooper Tuesday there were two incidents involving the suspected gunman prior to the shooting at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas.
The first was the gunman shooting his grandmother, resulting in her being airlifted to a hospital, Estrada said.
The second incident was the suspect crashing a vehicle near the elementary school.

Estrada went on to say the gunman was seen with a "long rifle and backpack." The gunman was also wearing body armor, Estrada said.
Estrada could not confirm what type of rifle the gunman had, but says the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives is investigating.
:lol: Aren't law enforcement good guys with training and equipment? They went right after him from my reading were right on the spot and backed up by armed border guards almost immediately.

I mean according to the 2nd he should have had grenades too, they are arms and were around in the founders time, so they surely didn't just mean small arms, but cannons, bombs and rockets too as in, the rockets red glare, while bombs bursting in air... I mean the 2nd was for military purposes after all.

Not having grenades and a rocket launcher impeded his freedom to murder and stop the agents of big guberment and the deep state from trying to stop him. So I say the 2nd includes grenades, howitzers and rockets, it's never really been tested in the SCOTUS either and they are arms by the founders own definition and the intentions of the founders mean everything for some judges.
:lol: Aren't law enforcement good guys with training and equipment? They went right after him from my reading were right on the spot and backed up by armed border guards almost immediately.

I mean according to the 2nd he should have had grenades too, they are arms and were around in the founders time, so they surely didn't just mean small arms, but cannons, bombs and rockets too as in, the rockets red glare, while bombs bursting in air... I mean the 2nd was for military purposes after all.

Not having grenades and a rocket launcher impeded his freedom to murder and stop the agents of big guberment and the deep state from trying to stop him. So I say the 2nd includes grenades, howitzers and rockets, it's never really been tested in the SCOTUS either and they are arms by the founders own definition and the intentions of the founders mean everything for some judges.
People like you are my biggest fear