Yesterday's Mass Shooting.

how do you limit speech? Which speech? What speech motivated this guy? Should we ban music? Video Games? Movies?

What are you suggesting while staying in the confines of the Constitution?

What if he really only used a handgun?
Well ya just need to be creative about speech, haul Tucker before an FCC panel when he seriously bullshits and ask him to repeat it under oath for the CSPAN cameras. Just change the laws and regulations governing the FCC or even enforce the ones that exist! You don't want to suppress Tuckers speech, ya just want clarification, under oath and will provide him with an additional platform for his many ideas. Hate speech ain't free speech, that is about ideas and actual facts, not bullshit.
how do you limit speech? Which speech? What speech motivated this guy? Should we ban music? Video Games? Movies?

What are you suggesting while staying in the confines of the Constitution?

What if he really only used a handgun?
Freedom comes with a price and some sacrifices if limiting violence on tv and in video games was that price so be it better than 14 dead kids if you ask me
Did you know before 2002 you weren’t legally allowed to have an argument on TV that overruled the opposing side they had to have an equal balance to them then when the Republicans got an office and changed everything after 9/11 and had a free-for-all all that changed and now you have these people on TV spreading these hateful opinions for anybody and everybody to watch with no opposing argument whatsoever to help rain all that in control and dial it down some oh it’s not that you have to limit the speech it’s that you don’t let the radicalist control the public view and the flow of everything
I’ve said it before I don’t agree with China on anything really but the gun laws that they have and the way that they regulate and control them is on a whole Nother level i’m all for owning firearms responsibly I just feel that you should have to have a psychiatric evaluation every two years to own a firearm you should have zero criminal background or any kind of mental health issues would disqualify you right away
So a marijuana conviction would be cause for refusal? What about a bout of depression years ago? It gets very complicated whe you get down to it :(.
So a marijuana conviction would be cause for refusal? What about a bout of depression years ago? It gets very complicated whe you get down to it :(.
No it does I would say that would disqualify you for owning a firearm if you were depressed before you have a high likelihood of being depressed again the marijuana conviction I’m not gonna be biased about just because I smoke marijuana I would still say it would say you can’t own a gun I have no problem giving up some of my freedoms for the betterment of our country I gave it eight years of my life and a whole bunch of freedoms while I served so giving up a little more so that my kids can live in a better place doesn’t hurt my feelings my friend
You have to be a real piece of shit to let your organization lay claim to this. Whether it’s antifa Al-Qaeda Nazis or the Egyptian secret police hurting children is wrong I have a boy that’s in kindergarten and a daughter that’s in the third grade it wouldn’t matter what organization they were with. the fact that this atrocity was even committed is the problem all in itself we can blame Democrats we can blame Republicans you can blame your neighbor you can blame me it doesn’t change the fact that what’s being done is horrible and this country is tearing itself apart and something has to be done to reign this In and stop the seasonal mass shootings that keep happening sorry that is a huge long sentence I am talking to my phone

Sarcasm is a lost art I guess.
Freedom comes with a price and some sacrifices if limiting violence on tv and in video games was that price so be it better than 14 dead kids if you ask me
It does come with a price and the price is in blood, but there are limits to freedom and blood. About 35% of Americans own a gun, most of them are owned by a very small fraction of society and the number of hunters has been declining for decades. Until the 1970s, Canada and America had comparable gun ownership rates, now we have a lot less guns through law and regulation, a lot less gun murders per capita too and the vast majority of those are from smuggled American firearms. I live in a free country and in many ways I'm more free than most Americans, abortion and pot are legal here by federal law, so are condoms. Healthcare is free, the quality of life higher and the fear level is much reduced, or so say many Americans. Many liberal democratic countries regulate and even ban guns, bullshit is more of a threat to freedom for them and you too. Owning a gun will do nothing to secure your liberty, Ukraine has a similar gun culture to America, not many are used defending the country unless they are military types with standardized ammo. Besides, in war small arms produce relatively few casualties compared to other causes, in civilian hands it's a different story. When the war is over all the military weapons distributed to the population will be collected up and placed in armories for the reserves to use, the well ordered militia under the command of the state.
No it does I would say that would disqualify you for owning a firearm if you were depressed before you have a high likelihood of being depressed again the marijuana conviction I’m not gonna be biased about just because I smoke marijuana I would still say it would say you can’t own a gun I have no problem giving up some of my freedoms for the betterment of our country I gave it eight years of my life and a whole bunch of freedoms while I served so giving up a little more so that my kids can live in a better place doesn’t hurt my feelings my friend
Well then I would say what your proposing is a nonstarter given the state of affairs in the US. As I said earlier, good luck with this, I honestly do not see an end in sight and that is very sad and frightening :(.
Hunters will need more powerful rifles. These tend to be bolt-actions, but .22 max is draconian.

Also, an article in the Bill of Rights will be much harder to overturn than Roe, which is a ruling but never expressly appended to the Constitution. You don’t need 3/4 of states ratifying an overturn of Roe.
Good legal points, but I'm not a lawyer and can still mount a powerful argument based on existing law and precedent, many issues around the second amendment have not been challenged properly in the SCOTUS. Like should you be able to own a 155mm howitzer or even bombs, because bombs are arms too and existed when the founders did, so did rockets, as in the rockets red glare! I mean the .50 caliber limit and regulations against machine guns should be unconstitutional, freedumb! :lol:
There's clearly something wrong with the way your country is dealing with firearm acquisition, training, and culture. Your politicians are using weapons in their election ads FFS. It's pathetic.
It’s more complicated, since the laws are so different from state to state. California dies not allow civilian sales of AR-platform guns to cuvilians, except cops. I would leverage the injustice of some civilians being more equal than others.

The irony is that police chiefs are one of the loudest voices against general gun ownership. I wonder if their tune would change if the law enforcement exemption went away. That exemption is all kinds of wrong, as law enforcement behavior certainly since George Floyd is full of racism, corruption and pro-fascist behavior.
Good legal points, but I'm not a lawyer and can still mount a powerful argument based on existing law and precedent, many issues around the second amendment have not been challenged properly in the SCOTUS. Like should you be able to own a 155mm howitzer or even bombs, because bombs are arms too and existed when the founders did, so did rockets, as in the rockets red glare! I mean the .50 caliber limit and regulations against machine guns should be unconstitutional, freedumb! :lol:
There is a well-defined law around destructive devices. I can theoretically own and operate a blackpowder cannon, but not with exploding shells.
The .50 is the limit. Past that most munitions go boom.