Why he was jus a good ole boy haven a bit of fun. The cops took him for a burger at his request with the powder burns from the gun on his hands. They surrender armed to the teeth to white cops as a final insult to their victims and to send a message about their privileged statues. Unarmed blacks are killed by cops everyday and a black man with a gun in the car is a death sentence even where it is "legal" to do so. The NRA remains silent in such cases, since they have become just another cover for racism and bigotry, as has religion and the abortion issue. Everything is suborned to the "greater cause", politics and the legal system are it's victims too and democracy and the constitution are next. It's a cold civil war of racists, bigots and religious fanatics against American patriots, those who defend and protect the constitution and rule of law.
Trump stripped their cover away completely and left them exposed, anybody who votes for a republican at any level is basically committing treason. It's all out in the open and a matter of public record, the facts speak for themselves and will speak loudest in court one day, we hope.
They did same with Parkland High School FL shooter McD i think.
All that bullet proof window and doors- the kid pulled the fire alarm and out they came..the school cop ran away.