Yesterday's Mass Shooting.

Worked at Wendy's and saved his money, they've been getting raises lately. He had psychological issues and never showed up for school and failed to graduate.

that's pretty close to what i'm hearing, he was also possibly bullied at school as well.....

the grandmother was the first one shot, my thinking she was prolly trying to stop him in a way
I think I understand where your coming from and you should be proud of it. I am for you and me.
I do know what your saying about inflated egos in today’s society but although it seems to be a materialistic/ status thing like my shit don’t stink. Don’t cheat yourself or child by confusing the two types of pride. Your kid understands when they hear you brag about being a good parent it equates to being happy in your results i:e them
Nobody blamed video games . But put it all together, bad parenting, depressed children, hyper violent games revolving around killing and guns. What could go wrong.

I dont think NRA members make guns look as sexy as the movies and games that glorify them do. They may push their views but would the AR be as sexy if it wasn't in every Call of Duty type game?
We have all those things in Canada, other countries have them too, video games are very popular around the world and every kid played war in my generation, we hunt and fish too! However because of sensible gun laws and restrictions we have far fewer gun deaths per capita as does all the rest of the English speaking world. With which America shares a common culture and root heritage.

Citizens never revolted in America, their elected legislative assemblies did and they were a British tradition, as was the legal and system of government. The president replaced the King, the house, the parliament and the senate, the house of Lords. You have jury trials in an adversarial legal system with independent courts, the Anglican church became the Episcopalian.
Unless we're talking about writing code in binary, sweeping statements is all we get. What it comes down to is whether or not we like it. If I say, "republicans are dumb", you won't mention sweeping statements, even though it's totally a sweeping statement. Plus, if you agree with it, then we're already up to roughly half the population, so how many more people need to be idiots before the statement becomes roughly true? I think 51% or better is good enough to make a sweeping statement, in which case, is republicans plus 1% of the other half of the country really a stretch?

And there are different tiers of better/worse people. If child A does something wrong and has their toy taken away and accepts it because they know they fucked up, but child B does something wrong and has their toy taken away and refuses to accept it because they think they're the most amazing thing ever created and will literally commit murder to keep their toy, which child do you think is worse and which child do you think is most closely aligned with Americans today?
i'm looking at it on a global scale...and it seems to me that there are about the same amount of good and bad people in just about every country on the planet. ukraine has problems with racism and old bigotry between ancestral enemies...israel dehumanizes Palestinians to justify stealing their homes and murdering them indiscriminately...people in practically every nation on earth use some kind of racist bullshit to justify their shitty behavior to some indigenous peoples, russia uses inbred fears of nazi-ism to justify invading their neighbors, when all they really want is to steal their lands to better solidify their nation of thieves, to steal their access to the sea and make it their own...this isn't about the ratio of good and bad...this is about inept, corrupt, lying, cheating, stealing, bribe taking politicians who pander to the lowest common denominators to get into and stay in power, so they can advance their shitty fascist agenda
18yrs old and bought 2 rifles from a federal legal sale person, but our law saw only a person past 21 can only buy.....ok wtf

did this kid have a fake id or something?

Worked at Wendy's and saved his money, they've been getting raises lately. He had psychological issues and never showed up for school and failed to graduate. It wasn't a typical hate crime, just another nut case who murdered kids and never planned on living, unlike most of the hate crime shooters who tend to be white and give up to the cops. Why not, a burger is better than a bullet and if the victims are the right kind of people, the cops might take you for one, like Dylan Roof.

And the Parkland shooter celebrated by stopping at McD with his victims brother while cops were looking for him.

Yep the federal government has no business with guns, it was for state militias and referred to arms and in those days that included not just guns, but artillery, grenades and rockets too. The 2nd was for military purposes after all and the states make all the rules. Why if Elon Musk in Texas wanted to form his own private army with tanks and artillery who would stop him? If he owned Greg Abbot...

I mean as long as they are military arms, anybody in Texas should be allowed to own them, nuclear weapons included, there are no limits to freedumb! So if some Texan needs a .50 cal machine gun to defend his home it's his rat, cause body armor is getting better and if they have a tank, I'll need a Javelin too or maybe an RPG as backup? You can never be too sure when it comes to home defense, the community is no help, you are all on your own in a war zone, be afraid, be very afraid. Their kid was just killed at school by a madman and they are torn about giving up their guns and grasp at any straw, rather than admit the awful truth, the cause is to be found in the mirror.
18yrs old and bought 2 rifles from a federal legal sale person, but our law saw only a person past 21 can only buy.....ok wtf

did this kid have a fake id or something?

In TX 18 yr Olds can buy an AR-15. 21 to buy a handgun. His guns are legal. He is legal.

Guns make it real easy to kill something. Rocks into projectile weaponization. A gun is a better arm throwing better rocks.
The only answer is more guns. Arm every child at conception.

It is too soon to talk about it, and we can't do anything about it. He had evil in him. Mental illness is a real bitch. "They" took jesus out of schools. Homelessness too. Video games. The poor are the problem... Jeezus.
But at least if there was a transgender kid there, we make damn sure they use the bathroom matching their birth certificate registered genitalia.
I worked in a shop in the 80s, Weatherby, Remington, Marlin, Rutgers, Colt and more are what we handled. In several years I only encountered a couple real freaky gun freaks. Not like today. 90% was hunting with some target as well as self protection.
I’ve owned many personally and never a murder machine.
I worked in a shop in the 80s, Weatherby, Remington, Marlin, Rutgers, Colt and more are what we handled. In several years I only encountered a couple real freaky gun freaks. Not like today. 90% was hunting with some target as well as self protection.
I’ve owned many personally and never a murder machine.
I like single-action revolvers, bolt guns and doubles.
I worked in a shop in the 80s, Weatherby, Remington, Marlin, Rutgers, Colt and more are what we handled. In several years I only encountered a couple real freaky gun freaks. Not like today. 90% was hunting with some target as well as self protection.
I’ve owned many personally and never a murder machine.
Maybe but make no mistake if you owned gun you owned a murder machine. Or atleast a machine that could murder.The machine didn’t have a murderous operator.
I worked in a shop in the 80s, Weatherby, Remington, Marlin, Rutgers, Colt and more are what we handled. In several years I only encountered a couple real freaky gun freaks. Not like today. 90% was hunting with some target as well as self protection.
I’ve owned many personally and never a murder machine.
The number of people hunting animals has decreased over the decades, while the number of people hunting humans has increased.

RC planes and drones used to attract a small following of technonerds and plane freaks, but increasing technical capabilities, ease of use, ownership and lower costs, opened the hobby up to more kinds of activities and people. Cellphone sized electronics gave them powerful capabilities and now they can be used as weapons of war or assassination. New laws and regulations have almost killed many aspects of the hobby, even though a hobby RC plane or drone never killed anybody, except Russian in Ukraine. However with popularity came assholes who would do truly stupid and dangerous things like give folks on the beach a haircut at a hundred miles an hour with an FPV racing quad, or a pervert peeking in windows with a commercial video drone.
If they’re laying in the back yard does it still make you a pervert lol just playing i cant get a drone off the ground
I would suggest putting armed guards in schools and businesses to prevent, combat, and mitigate threats. Could be well trained police or military. Also for all the illegal guns out there, maybe there should be a mass buy back program that pays well to get guns off the streets. People want to ban guns but the issue is there’s already millions out there. I definitely think there should be stricter investigation and background checks for firearm purchases, but I also believe in the right to bear arms to prevent or fight tyranny and for self defense. Weed and shrooms should also be mandatory for all.