• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Yesterday's Mass Shooting.


Well-Known Member
i continue to find your expertise on the American south Amazing, especially seeing as how you've never even visited...Imagine your depth of insight if you ever did...You do realize that people like me make up around 40% of the south? that even in deep red states the bigger cities are turning purple and blue? And that some southern baptists aren't insane racists? And that they do consider thoughts and deed to be important?
The south doesn't hold a patent on racism. We aren't even grand masters...The British, French, Portuguese, Spanish...Every country to ever do enough business to have "foreign relations" has hated one or more partner they were forced to do business with, have hated a neighbor they've historically had difficulties with...We're only 250 years old, They've had a LOT longer to refine their racism in the rest of the world.
We got shit to deal with, but we ain't nothing special...
I never said it held an exclusive on racism, but southern Baptists are not Christians, they are something else, we have them here too and I have dealt with them, this is what they believe, faith and faith alone, good deeds will do you no good. It can't be any other way for slave holders and bigots, thoughts words and deeds must be deemphasized, and they are. As for racism in the south the news out of your state speaks volumes. It is not everybody for sure, but there are enough of them to elect these horrible assholes and they have their reasons, none of them good. Nobody but a bigot votes for republicans, they ran out of excuses with Trump who exposed them for who they are, assholes. After 2020 any thought of them being patriots vanished. The south is solid red for a reason, and it was democratic when they were against human rights for black people. Red state America is impossible to defend Roger, you might as well try and defend Trump.


Well-Known Member
i continue to find your expertise on the American south Amazing, especially seeing as how you've never even visited...Imagine your depth of insight if you ever did...You do realize that people like me make up around 40% of the south? that even in deep red states the bigger cities are turning purple and blue? And that some southern baptists aren't insane racists? And that they do consider thoughts and deed to be important?
The south doesn't hold a patent on racism. We aren't even grand masters...The British, French, Portuguese, Spanish...Every country to ever do enough business to have "foreign relations" has hated one or more partner they were forced to do business with, have hated a neighbor they've historically had difficulties with...We're only 250 years old, They've had a LOT longer to refine their racism in the rest of the world.
We got shit to deal with, but we ain't nothing special...
Racism has distorted the culture of the south, it exists in all of America, but whether it was the civil war or the history of slavery the American south was always notable for several reasons. The new south is a lie, it's not the same old south, it is changing, but they are electing republicans, often just to stick it in Uncle Sam's eye and grind it in real good. If racism and stupidity are not a problem in the south explain MTG to me? The south is not alone either, explain Bobo from Colorado to me too and while you are at it don't forget Gaetz, such people would be unelectable in most places, even in America.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
I never said it held an exclusive on racism, but southern Baptists are not Christians, they are something else, we have them here too and I have dealt with them, this is what they believe, faith and faith alone, good deeds will do you no good. It can't be any other way for slave holders and bigots, thoughts words and deeds must be deemphasized, and they are. As for racism in the south the news out of your state speaks volumes. It is not everybody for sure, but there are enough of them to elect these horrible assholes and they have their reasons, none of them good. Nobody but a bigot votes for republicans, they ran out of excuses with Trump who exposed them for who they are, assholes. After 2020 any thought of them being patriots vanished. The south is solid red for a reason, and it was democratic when they were against human rights for black people. Red state America is impossible to defend Roger, you might as well try and defend Trump.
I'm only defending them against your stereotyping...
I'm not even vaguely suggesting the south is a Disney cartoon, where everyone gets along and the birds sing in harmony.
What I'm suggesting is that you're very enthusiastic about condemning a lot of people you've never met,
The south isn't "Solid Red"...
click on gray scale on top of that map, i find it a lot easier to see the difference


Well-Known Member
One of my life lesson rules of thumb type things, if you meet a dude with a southern accent in NYC, Boston, or LA...hang out with them. It's gonna be fun.

The shitty people you want to avoid don't leave their home towns.


Well-Known Member

History's bad intentions reflected in 'stand your ground' shootings

2,035 views Apr 20, 2023 #msnbc #standyourground #secondamendment
Alex Wagner looks at the role of the Second Amendment as a means of enforcing slavery and how that legacy is reflected in "stand your ground" shootings in the modern United States.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Friend is helping settle up his grandpa's estate. They have to figure out what to do with 2800+ guns. That's a lot of guns for one dude, different strokes and such I suppose.
I’m in the process of liquidating my collection (not even close to that number at around 25). Kids don’t want them and I was hoping to keep one or two in the family that are now at 3 generations. My nephew is getting them and hopefully appreciates them if only for the history ( he’s 3 lol) The rest I’m listing for sale. 2800 guns seems like an excessive amount but hey lol. As they say, the man with the most wins lol.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
They should all go to the federal government for destruction, ammo too, make it the law, when someone dies, their guns die with them.
Huh!!! What about the Winchester that I own that’s been in my family for 3 generations. Why should it be destroyed just because you don’t want guns? There are responsible gun owners who want responsible laws and restrictions. Your statements are playing into the hands of the nuts who shout “their coming for our guns” and is not helpful for solving the issues at hand.


Well-Known Member
Huh!!! What about the Winchester that I own that’s been in my family for 3 generations. Why should it be destroyed just because you don’t want guns? There are responsible gun owners who want responsible laws and restrictions. Your statements are playing into the hands of the nuts who shout “their coming for our guns” and is not helpful for solving the issues at hand.
I elaborated on the proposal in other posts, but it's not up to me, I'm just tossing out solutions that might work for America. If you had a relative who wanted the weapons, then they must have an FAC and if pistols they go to the government. As far as I know you don't have to pay a transfer tax or a sales tax? For a car they have a book that tells them what a used car is worth and will charge the sales tax, even if you only paid a dollar.

In America 3% of the population own 50% of the guns, what do you think the average age of them is? If the family wanted to keep any of the guns, they would pay a sales tax or transfer tax. If they wanted to pay $100 for each of the 2800 guns or a few hundred to keep a few of the heirlooms. It is not something the democrats should implement when they gain power though, there are lots of things that can be done first that are more acceptable. Sooner or later, guns have got to go in America and there are several methods for getting most of them quickly and cheaply by increasing the cost, bother and liability of gun ownership. It will happen one day; this situation won't be allowed to persist, and they will deal with it like every other functioning liberal democracy has. It would be that way in America too, if the system of government was more representative of the will of the people and the polls are clear. This like so many other issues in America is a result of a broken government and flawed system.


Well-Known Member
I’m in the process of liquidating my collection (not even close to that number at around 25). Kids don’t want them and I was hoping to keep one or two in the family that are now at 3 generations. My nephew is getting them and hopefully appreciates them if only for the history ( he’s 3 lol) The rest I’m listing for sale. 2800 guns seems like an excessive amount but hey lol. As they say, the man with the most wins lol.
I knew the family pretty well and had been in their gun warehouse a few times, seems weird to me, but it really is a bunch of collectors items. I think my friend is planning to keep a single m1 that has all sorts of fancy collectible value to hang up on the wall as a display piece. It was primarily stuff like that, not stacks of ARs or even modern weapons. Can't imagine they were in that great of shape.

I dont get collecting stuff in general, but again, to each their own. I've met plenty with binders of very fancy rare weed seeds, I lump this sort of thing in with it.


Well-Known Member
Dunno if this is constitutional, the federal government regulates the kind of guns. The SCOTUS has struck down lots of state gun laws and if there are any issues with this law the NRA will be suing. I suppose they can ban the sale of the weapon, just not the weapon itself, the feds could ban the weapons though.


Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
I knew the family pretty well and had been in their gun warehouse a few times, seems weird to me, but it really is a bunch of collectors items. I think my friend is planning to keep a single m1 that has all sorts of fancy collectible value to hang up on the wall as a display piece. It was primarily stuff like that, not stacks of ARs or even modern weapons. Can't imagine they were in that great of shape.

I dont get collecting stuff in general, but again, to each their own. I've met plenty with binders of very fancy rare weed seeds, I lump this sort of thing in with it.
I’ve never been into collecting anything either and other than 3 that were handed down they were all bought with the intention of using for hunting. The first one purchased was 48 years ago and a Belgium auto 5 shotgun. Now given the lack of interest from the kids I seem to be stuck with them lol. I’m more of a don’t throw anything away kind of person, huge mistake lol.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
I elaborated on the proposal in other posts, but it's not up to me, I'm just tossing out solutions that might work for America. If you had a relative who wanted the weapons, then they must have an FAC and if pistols they go to the government. As far as I know you don't have to pay a transfer tax or a sales tax? For a car they have a book that tells them what a used car is worth and will charge the sales tax, even if you only paid a dollar.

In America 3% of the population own 50% of the guns, what do you think the average age of them is? If the family wanted to keep any of the guns, they would pay a sales tax or transfer tax. If they wanted to pay $100 for each of the 2800 guns or a few hundred to keep a few of the heirlooms. It is not something the democrats should implement when they gain power though, there are lots of things that can be done first that are more acceptable. Sooner or later, guns have got to go in America and there are several methods for getting most of them quickly and cheaply by increasing the cost, bother and liability of gun ownership. It will happen one day; this situation won't be allowed to persist, and they will deal with it like every other functioning liberal democracy has. It would be that way in America too, if the system of government was more representative of the will of the people and the polls are clear. This like so many other issues in America is a result of a broken government and flawed system.
First of all, guns will never disappear from the USA and that should not be part of any solution discussed IMO as it’s a pipe dream that plays into the fear of gun nuts. You didn’t really elaborate as much as backpedal on your melting down suggestion lol. What needs to happen is logical, workable solutions that may possibly (doubt it) have a chance to be implemented. Yes it’s way beyond reasonable to most Canadians what is happening re open/concealed carry, no or little background checks, etc.. For us Canadians it seems ridicules that these things are allowed. As seen from all of the discussion here, fear is a huge factor in what is going on there. That is a minuscule fear for most of us living in Canada but it is something that also must be considered when joining in the conversation. As much as it is a statistical fallacy, reading the daily headlines portrays it as a legitimate fear. I realized you are just having a discussion and throwing ideals out but keeping them doable would add more to your legitimacy.


Well-Known Member
First of all, guns will never disappear from the USA and that should not be part of any solution discussed IMO as it’s a pipe dream that plays into the fear of gun nuts. You didn’t really elaborate as much as backpedal on your melting down suggestion lol. What needs to happen is logical, workable solutions that may possibly (doubt it) have a chance to be implemented. Yes it’s way beyond reasonable to most Canadians what is happening re open/concealed carry, no or little background checks, etc.. For us Canadians it seems ridicules that these things are allowed. As seen from all of the discussion here, fear is a huge factor in what is going on there. That is a minuscule fear for most of us living in Canada but it is something that also must be considered when joining in the conversation. As much as it is a statistical fallacy, reading the daily headlines portrays it as a legitimate fear. I realized you are just having a discussion and throwing ideals out but keeping them doable would add more to your legitimacy.
You won't eliminate them, but you will reduce the numbers dramatically. Often guns the government takes after crimes are sold at auction and go back into circulation, that is what happened with the AR15 that killed those school kids recently. Once the government gets the gun it is melted down, the idea being that it doesn't end up back on the street. I don't think sudden and dramatic change in America is possible politically, changes will be incremental and small at first. Unfortunately, their gun problem is our gun problem with smuggled guns. When my dad passed away, we had a .22 and a 12-gauge shotgun, nobody wanted them, so they were turned into the cops. Fewer people are hunting every year. As for my proposals for gun reduction in the states, they are to show Americas what is possible, many think the 2nd came from God and nothing can be done. It will take a long time, but 3% of the population own 50% of the guns, most are just collectors, but some are wingnuts, mass murders always seem to have an arsenal. I have posted many times my thoughts on gun control in America and in the end, it does involve melting them down, but that is at the end of a long road, but that road has to start somewhere.

I'm getting out of the drone hobby for several reasons, one is regulations, I don't like them, and I don't think a hobby drone or RC plane has killed anybody, in the hobby. However, since the war in Ukraine my views have changed, not much, but it did cause a shift, these can be easily converted into weapons of war and murder. You can kill someone from miles away with a suicide drone or plane and I have no idea how they will control it, since you can buy this shit online. I'm a licensed drone pilot and the regs are very heavy, but I agree with most of them, even though they killed many aspects of the hobby. However licensed drone pilots are not the problem, terrorists and murders are, drones don't kill people, people kill people, sound familiar. I agree with the regs and wish a license meant more rights to the sky, but it is what it is. Drones are a lot less dangerous than guns though and have other uses than killing. I have a license and my drones and planes all have a registration number attached and soon ID in the sky will be a requirement so that by pointing a cellphone at a drone you can ID it and the location of the pilot, I assume so they can go and murder them with a gun if they should be paranoid or nuts.
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Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member

Maine man kills parents, friends after prison release: Police

240,122 views Apr 19, 2023 #abcnews #maine #investigation
Joseph Eaton, 34, allegedly shot and killed his two parents and two family friends at their house in Bowdoin, Maine.
and this is why some people need life with no parole...
and prison boards that make this kind of decision should have at least one psychiatrist on them, because a board full of cousins with no education causes shit like this...

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
Dunno if this is constitutional, the federal government regulates the kind of guns. The SCOTUS has struck down lots of state gun laws and if there are any issues with this law the NRA will be suing. I suppose they can ban the sale of the weapon, just not the weapon itself, the feds could ban the weapons though.

That is exactly what the headline says..."Bans sale and manufacture"....you can't sell it or make it there now, doesn't say anything about currently owned weapons being banned

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
I have a license and my drones and planes all have a registration number attached and soon ID in the sky will be a requirement so that by pointing a cellphone at a drone you can ID it and the location of the pilot, I assume so they can go and murder them with a gun if they should be paranoid or nuts.
being able to identify a person who is invading your privacy, and committing criminal trespass doesn't occur to you? first go to is getting murdered?
You live in a dark mind...