Yesterday's Mass Shooting.

i feel slightly hypocritical, having attended AND bought a weapon at a gun show...but the reality is that i would gladly give up that "freedom" to shut down this conduit that criminals can use to illegally obtain weapons with no paper trail what so ever. i saw one individual with a new york or new jersey accent buying several handguns, more than a dozen, and a few of them were the same model. while i suppose that he could just be a very devoted collector, that really seemed sort of suspicious to me, and the guy selling the guns was quick to get them off the table and into a larger box, like he knew he was doing something he should be ashamed of. how many such transactions happen each day, at each gun show? and there are literally hundreds of shows across the country weekly.

Not like he knew..because he knew.
Meth came to the South before it went in to town

It's always sitting outside of town near where people live in shacks by the tracks..I remember thinking same after getting to Arkansas on my way to Little Rock from the airport and I thought the GPS was screwed up because it was suburban houses to urban shacks..I thought how could there possibly be a city here..sure enough turned a few corners and there it was the skyline before me..the men were out looking with with eyes wanting.

“under the influence of alcohol”

Enough said. What an idiot - who tf doesn’t check a chamber first thing? Seems so alien to me
“under the influence of alcohol”

Enough said. What an idiot - who tf doesn’t check a chamber first thing? Seems so alien to me

And my cop husband had a fit when I asked that his gun (loaded because an 'unloaded gun is not a gun') be placed out of the way..always cleaning them 'they need to learn to not touch'..okay like when are you going to tell our toddler so it makes sense to her?
And my cop husband had a fit when I asked that his gun (loaded because an 'unloaded gun is not a gun') be placed out of the way..always cleaning them 'they need to learn to not touch'..okay like when are you going to tell our toddler so it makes sense to her?
Don’t touch the super secret intriguing gun …… ok I won’t :o! My old man was a super safe responsible gun owner up to the day he accidentally left one shell chambered in his model 12 after duck hunting and put it in the closet. Little Budley (4years old) found it and pushed on the trigger. Little Budley shot a big giant hole through the ceiling :o! The old man bought a locked gun cabinet after that, I still use 58 years later and have the same model 12.
And my cop husband had a fit when I asked that his gun (loaded because an 'unloaded gun is not a gun') be placed out of the way..always cleaning them 'they need to learn to not touch'..okay like when are you going to tell our toddler so it makes sense to her?

yea for me it’s just not worth it. I mean I understand fully the concept of being locked and loaded and just always ready - but I mean all my firearms have safety’s that stay on, and every one of them is unloaded with the mag right next to it.

People argue oh those seconds matter or you’ll be too stressed in the moment to load properly - but in my mind I’m already way ahead by simply having the tool available when I need it. Those few seconds are not worth the risk for the 99.9% of the time I’m not defending myself or my family.

Also in terms of just handling a firearm, myself and everyone around me whether friends of family seem to have all been raised the same in that if you pick up a gun you check the chamber very first thing even when someone hands you a gun you’ve watched them check, you then proceed to check yourself. It’s like muscle memory at this point
yea for me it’s just not worth it. I mean I understand fully the concept of being locked and loaded and just always ready - but I mean all my firearms have safety’s that stay on, and every one of them is unloaded with the mag right next to it.

People argue oh those seconds matter or you’ll be too stressed in the moment to load properly - but in my mind I’m already way ahead by simply having the tool available when I need it. Those few seconds are not worth the risk for the 99.9% of the time I’m not defending myself or my family.

Those couple of extra seconds of hesitation can be helpful in those stressful moments.

Also, duck hunting is the crappiest of all hunting. It's like making a kid smoke the whole carton when they get caught with cigarettes. "Hey...want to go stand in waist deep water for 6 hours at 4am in November...hunting is coooooool."
Those couple of extra seconds of hesitation can be helpful in those stressful moments.

Also, duck hunting is the crappiest of all hunting. It's like making a kid smoke the whole carton when they get caught with cigarettes. "Hey...want to go stand in waist deep water for 6 hours at 4am in November...hunting is coooooool."
Actually it was pretty cool when I went with my dad. But no not November …. Brrrrr! I can still remember the first hunt I went on with him were I was able to actually hunt 43 years ago, an amazing time.
Those couple of extra seconds of hesitation can be helpful in those stressful moments.

Also, duck hunting is the crappiest of all hunting. It's like making a kid smoke the whole carton when they get caught with cigarettes. "Hey...want to go stand in waist deep water for 6 hours at 4am in November...hunting is coooooool."
Duck hunting is fun. We never stood in water to do it. If you really want you can use a boat, but we didn't need to in SD. I liked sneaking up on stock damns too. Get a dog to go fetch them out of water if you want to make shit easy.

One time my buddy came by and picked me up. He had his kid Stoney strapped in a booster seat in the back. He shot one on the way to my house and so we're driving down the road, and I happen to look back and it was alive and it was right next to his kid that's strapped in. Stoney and this duck are just looking at each other, like 6 inches from each other's face. He starts saying "Dad, Dad!". I was fucking rolling. It was almost just like Tommy Boy and the deer, but not to that level, :bigjoint:
Those couple of extra seconds of hesitation can be helpful in those stressful moments.

Also, duck hunting is the crappiest of all hunting. It's like making a kid smoke the whole carton when they get caught with cigarettes. "Hey...want to go stand in waist deep water for 6 hours at 4am in November...hunting is coooooool."
I never have to stand in water for 6 hours, but especially in November. Shit half the water here is frozen right now so you're either hunting the little bit of open water from a boat or you're hitting up a river or field. For what it's worth waterfowl taken in a field is an absolute blast and no waders required.
I never have to stand in water for 6 hours, but especially in November. Shit half the water here is frozen right now so you're either hunting the little bit of open water from a boat or you're hitting up a river or field. For what it's worth waterfowl taken in a field is an absolute blast and no waders required.
i haven't hunted anything in years, but when i was a teen in Mn we used to hunt the corn fields next to the river, we always got our limit.