Yes yes from the UK


Yo, looking forward to learning a lot more by reading on here. I hope to contribute a bit, but I got a lot to learn about growing before I’m useful to anyone. Had one disastrous attempt last year but I’m hoping for a big improvement when I try again in a few months. I got the smoking side of things down though. Yep. That’s definitely the part I’m good at!


Well-Known Member
knowledge is power lol or sumfin like that, so much to learn from riu spent 2wks reading nothing else when i first discovered it and my vegtable growing is going much smoother thanks to riu.


Well-Known Member
Welcome dude, Iv had one good grow, it was a good learning curve, although it turned out male, i learnt you can grow on your window seal in the UK! haha! where abouts you from in the uk if you dont mind me asking? what bud are you smoking at the moment, i know cheese and armageddon are going around in the uk and some people are getting blue cheese to!

Peace x


I am east London at the moment, and yes there has apparently been a lot of Blue Cheese about. I have smoked it a lot and there was nothing cheesy or blue about it. Utter tosh if you ask me. Maybe there's a big Bc grow around London somewhere ran by someone who knows as much about growing as me. The last really good green I got over here was some Sharksbreath, which a friend of a friend of mine is able to get sometimes. I also had some boom White Rhino a few weeks ago. The reall good shit is few and far between around my manor though.

having said all that, for all I know those are just random names given to the shit when its sold to me. Both the rhino and the shark were amazing though. The kind of stuff you start getting high off just sniffing the bag.

Thanks for ther welcome everyone. Check you soon.


Well-Known Member
yeh alot of it is just random names, but the blue cheese i had, was right as you could smell the blueberry on your fingers, i would say all the bud i get is correctly named, but i mostly get it off mates, so they wouldnt lie to me im guessing? sounds like your not too far from me, i live porbabley 2 hours from you ;)

Peace x


Well-Known Member
I am east London at the moment, and yes there has apparently been a lot of Blue Cheese about. I have smoked it a lot and there was nothing cheesy or blue about it. Utter tosh if you ask me. Maybe there's a big Bc grow around London somewhere ran by someone who knows as much about growing as me. The last really good green I got over here was some Sharksbreath, which a friend of a friend of mine is able to get sometimes. I also had some boom White Rhino a few weeks ago. The reall good shit is few and far between around my manor though.

having said all that, for all I know those are just random names given to the shit when its sold to me. Both the rhino and the shark were amazing though. The kind of stuff you start getting high off just sniffing the bag.

Thanks for ther welcome everyone. Check you soon.
ive not long moved out of east ham, So glad im outa e london now theres no denying the place is a shithole lol think things will get much better after the olympics tho stratford has already changed so much and they aint even started properly yet.

and yeah i agree so many people even more so with in citys just make up the names lol