Yellowish spots on leaves

Hello all, I've just watered them again today. The EC has gone down significantly since yesterday but the pH has gone up a bit. Any idea why and how to fix it?


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Can only assume you watered with too high ph weeks ago. Or your coco has something in it. The only way to correct is feed lower ph. Say like 4.5 ish. This is pure coco right. Does it say anything on the bag? Like added lime or something.
The calmag will arrive on Wed, unfortunately all shops are closed when I finish work so most of the time I buy on internet or during weekends.
Clay pebbles!!! I think that’s it. You may have to mix a solution of 4.5 ph and pour a whole bunch through. Then mix some feed with a low ph and pour that in.
I don’t really know. Next time don’t buy it lol. Or flush the shit of it with low ph water before you plant.
Do a test. If ya have some left in the bag. Fill a small pot pour some ph 6 water in let it sit a couple hours then pour more 6 ph water and test the run off. See if it’s the same as your plants.
also the plants 1 2and 3 that have the high EC runoff pour more of your feed through to bring it down. Good luck.
So I make plain water at ph 4.5 and pour let's say 2l in each pot. Then I make my feed at ec 0.8 and what ph?
Yes. The idea is no use wasting nutes. You may have to pour a lot in. So just low ph water give them a good flush. Check ph on runoff until it corrects closer to 5.8. Then mix feed and pour enough in to get a little runoff. Try one plant first. Don’t do all of them. See what happens. Sorry I’ve never had this issue. So experimenting here.
Yes. The idea is no use wasting nutes. You may have to pour a lot in. So just low ph water give them a good flush. Check ph on runoff until it corrects closer to 5.8. Then mix feed and pour enough in to get a little runoff. Try one plant first. Don’t do all of them. See what happens. Sorry I’ve never had this issue. So experimenting here.
Don't apologise, I appreciate your help. I've just made plain water at 6.3 (hard to get it bang on in a little container) poured through a little pot with fresh coco out of the bag and the runoff was 6.7, I'll pour it again and measure in 2 hours.
There’s similar problems with people that buy peat bales. Some company’s add lime to it as base peat is low in ph. So every bale is a little different. There’s a thread right now that has the same problem his ph is like yours.

Hard water, not really, but runoff PH going up, up... ??
I can only assume your coco when they added the LECA ,light expanded clay aggregate. they didn’t rinse it very well.
So I'm just going to have to use lower pH until I get my desired values and eventually it may wash out so I can pour 5.7 and get 5.7 in runoffs. Next time I'll just go coco with perlite.
Yes. And pre wash it with calmag and PHed water. so your problems with your plant could very well be the high ph. Calmag is still something you should use. The coco pulls out the Ca Mg so we have to replace it. Especially if our water doesn’t have the Ca and mg in it like RO water.