yellowing on leaves help me what is it


Well-Known Member
Im growing critical jack auto , everything was going well till just a few days ago shes on day 14 her lights are 20/4 . the ph is sitting at 7- 7.5. and she continuing to show some yellowing on her old leaves and into new what is the isse DSCN0482.jpgDSCN0483.jpgDSCN0479.jpg. at one point when the burns where lighter someone told me it was water spots but they got really yellow


Active Member
Why are you keeping the PH at 7-7.5? I would put it at 6 - 6.5 in dirt. If its promix I would (and do) keep mine at 5.7. I also recently had growth and color issues due to both cold air from my AC hitting the plants and calcium deficiency. I used calmag to fix the calcium deficiency.


Well-Known Member
i havnt given any nutes yet and i feel like that might be why im having issues. the center vein of the leaves are darker green then the outer parts and theres yellowing and dying of the edges of the leaves now. is this nitrogen def?


Well-Known Member
also im not keeping my ph at 7. 7.5 , it just happens to sit there im using distilled bottle water for them
heres some pics i took after getting home from work its alittle worse ... ps i had a layer of perlite then a layer of sand ontop of that...i removed the sand once i saw this yellowing because i felt it might be playing a roll so theres now only perlite DSCN0485.jpgDSCN0486.jpg


Well-Known Member
i added some fox farm Big bloom to see if that will help i did 1.5 teaspoons to a half gal. that brought my ph down a little to what looks more like 6.5 7ish im using a cheap soil probe ph tester i know they suck n are bad to use but its all i have . , so hopefully that will help it along with giving it any nutes if that was the issue


Well-Known Member
i water about every other day i stick my finger in soil about an inch down to see if i need it. i am a little on the high temp side mid to high 80s its hard in my setup atm to keep the temps any lower ive got 3 fans going


so temps high.... i dk about your watering. id keep the dirt damp but not soaking. you may also have dry pockets in the dirt was it wet good before u put seeds in or clone?


Well-Known Member
Potassium deficiency. It should go away once you start adding nutrients. Its getting a little big to be without..


Phosphorus and Potassium and less Nitrogen. This can happen and is normal. Plant is using up nitrogen stored in the leaves. They turn yellow as they get depleted and the plant drops them off when no longer storing food. ""