yellowing of lower leaves


New Member
Hello everyone,
I am new here so before I begin thanks a lot for any help you all can/may offer to me. I am in the process of my first grow. I am growing in straight foxfarm ocean forest soil. 600w hps light. Strain is Northern Lights. Using general hydroponics 3 part nutes micro/grow/flower. everything has been going fine until the past few days I have noticed yellowing of lower/older leaves. I am about 2 weeks into flower. So my question is, is this normal yellowing during the flowering process or am I too early in flower for that? Nitrogen Deficiency maybe? Here is a pic. Photo was taken through sunglasses so the color is a bit off... Any ideas? I did read the sticky but I would like someone with more experience to give me their opinion(s) as well...




Well-Known Member
Looks what I just went thru, flush and lower PPM, feed only water for a few days.

Remember OF is pretty hot soil, so add less Nutes.

My Sativa dom did the same thing because at 5 weeks I was feeding it like an Indica.

Don't feed high Magnesium if plant is Sativa Dominant.

Feed Nitrogen based food mixed with flower food for first 6 weeks of a 12 week flowering period.

keep PPM Low, I removed any leaf that will cone off with a light tug, I had over twenty dead fan leaves.

Once I made the changes my plant bounced back in 4 days, I now keep my PPM at 400 per gallon.

My first plant was Indica dominant and it was fed over 1000PPM per gallon to start in Flower.

I lowered it to 600 PPM at 4 weeks then 350 during last week. ( 65 day Plant to flower )


New Member
I am using tap water that I bubble with an airstone for 24+ hours before use to reduce chlorine and it generally comes out of the tap at 90-100 ppm...should I incorporate that into the 400 ppm you suggest?

Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
Look like it needs more Nitrogen too me. Losing one or two lower leaves here and there will happen. Nut you plant its looks pretty dominant and even spreading up. May even be a bit Magnesium deficient also.