yellowing leaves


New Member
So it's my first grow and everything has been going great except the last few days. I'm having some yellowing on a few leaves 2 weeks into flower. Ph is fine, nutrient samples are ok and my environment is good. From what I've read it's normal 3-4 weeks into veg? Am I over thinking this?


New Member
My lights just went off and I'm growing in soil. Sunshine #4 with nectar nutes. Actually I can post a pic of veg because there is one leaf turning yellow in there


Well-Known Member
Are they clones? Have you grown one out already? How does the rest of the plant look?

I have a strain with weird coloring that is passed to the next clone. Hasn't effected the plant that I can tell.


New Member
Are they clones? Have you grown one out already? How does the rest of the plant look?

I have a strain with weird coloring that is passed to the next clone. Hasn't effected the plant that I can tell.
The whole plant looks awesome. They are all clones from the same mother. Being my first grow I am over analyzing everything! My wife is ready to kill me!


Well-Known Member

Growing can be very time consuming even though there really is not much to do. :weed:

If the rest of the plant doesn't show it, Rock on!!

This is what mine does. Just a leaf here and there.



Well-Known Member
Dude growing is the most zenful thing on the planet. I enjoy waking up to the sweet smell of my personal kushes, my separate rooms for indicas and sativas uhghghghgh. Its so lovely, anyways yellowing in the middle could just be nitrogen deficient, you shouldnt have any yellowing/discoloring in veg, they should always be nice a green. heres my veg room. only time i see yellowing is 2 weeks before harvest in flowering and thats cause im flushing during those 2 weeks. you want a yellow plant at harvest more green gone less chlorophyll thats in the leaves and thats what burns your throat.



New Member
Dude growing is the most zenful thing on the planet. I enjoy waking up to the sweet smell of my personal kushes, my separate rooms for indicas and sativas uhghghghgh. Its so lovely, anyways yellowing in the middle could just be nitrogen deficient, you shouldnt have any yellowing/discoloring in veg, they should always be nice a green. heres my veg room. only time i see yellowing is 2 weeks before harvest in flowering and thats cause im flushing during those 2 weeks. you want a yellow plant at harvest more green gone less chlorophyll thats in the leaves and thats what burns your throat.

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Even if it's onl y a few leaves it could be nitrogen deficient? That's what kinda has me stumped?


Well-Known Member
I don't worry about a little yellowing. Some of these growers here are great and can keep their plants perfectly green all the way through. Some leaves just wanna die off. The flowers will still grow nice. Don't sweat a few yellow spots, just keep taking good care of it. Hard to kill a ganja plant. My leaves turned every color in the spectrum but the buds and leaves inside the buds are perfect:


Well-Known Member
Even if it's only a few leaves it could be nitrogen deficient? That's what kinda has me stumped?
Yes, once it starts yellowing it progresses very fast until it is corrected. find something that has 5-0-0 NPK rating if you have any grow stores look for natures nectar pure nitrogen you use about an 1oz per 5 gal of water twice a week when needed and they will be greener than you have ever seen. If it continues to move up the plant and you see leaves starting to shade away into yellow go get something with nitrogen preferably pure nitrogen so you dont risk burning your plant with other nutes in it. Natures nectar is the best to have.


Well-Known Member
Looks like what BigTex said, Nitrogen def. The rest of the plant looks good. May be bump your nitrogen nutes up a little next feeding. What are your ppms? Are you adding Cal/mag?


Well-Known Member
I don't worry about a little yellowing. Some of these growers here are great and can keep their plants perfectly green all the way through. Some leaves just wanna die off. The flowers will still grow nice. Don't sweat a few yellow spots, just keep taking good care of it. Hard to kill a ganja plant. My leaves turned every color in the spectrum but the buds and leaves inside the buds are perfect:
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Flowering is normal to see yellowing, hes seeing yellowing in veg, which can be bad. Should never see any yellow leaves in veg. Nice colors bro. my blueberries do the same to me every time.

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old shol4evr

Well-Known Member
Yes, once it starts yellowing it progresses very fast until it is corrected. find something that has 5-0-0 NPK rating if you have any grow stores look for natures nectar pure nitrogen you use about an 1oz per 5 gal of water twice a week when needed and they will be greener than you have ever seen. If it continues to move up the plant and you see leaves starting to shade away into yellow go get something with nitrogen preferably pure nitrogen so you dont risk burning your plant with other nutes in it. Natures nectar is the best to have.
i think bis tex is on the money with this one