Yellowing leaves

Hey everyone,

Just looking for some advice. I have a bag seed growing quite well on a balcony, despite only getting 6 hours a day of direct sunlight. I use Gaia greens power Bloom for top dressing ( 2 tbsp every few weeks) for about a month now. I also use worm castings in with my potting soil. I use fert alive (1 tbsp) every three waterings. Sometimes I use organic molasses as well (1 tbsp a watering, every few weeks). I'm hoping the yellowing is normal for this stage, but am worried it's not. That's in advance for any help y'all can provide. Thank you. FYI. I have a feminised autoflower aslo, that I've been treating the same and it's fine.



Well-Known Member
Looks like it's happening to the lower and older leaves, so I would not be too concerned. Your feeding regime sounds good, so keep an eye on new growth for an indication to up the feed or back off.. But honestly, things are looking normal to me. Keep things up as you are now.
Looks like it's happening to the lower and older leaves, so I would not be too concerned. Your feeding regime sounds good, so keep an eye on new growth for an indication to up the feed or back off.. But honestly, things are looking normal to me. Keep things up as you are now.
Thanks SO much for responding and the advice. I really appreciate it!!


Well-Known Member
I'm getting spots now, still normal?
Spots - not really normal. On a n old dying leaf, not so bad - are you this in a number of leaves? You have darker / rusty spots, as well as some fresh and more clear looking spots, so perhap get up close and see if any bugs may be in and about, you are outdoors on a porch, and other plants around?
Spots - not really normal. On a n old dying leaf, not so bad - are you this in a number of leaves? You have darker / rusty spots, as well as some fresh and more clear looking spots, so perhap get up close and see if any bugs may be in and about, you are outdoors on a porch, and other plants around?
It's a balcony, on the 20th floor.. There's some other plants, one hybrid pot plant too.. No issues in that plant and it's beside this one.