Yellowing leaves, spreading quickly - what can I do?

Okay so two days ago some of the leaves on my one remaining (and extremely stunted) little plant started yellowing. I wasn't sure what it was, but it didn't seem bad so I left it. Yesterday it was a fair bit worse, so I took a picture and posted it on another forum.

That's how it looked yesterday. At the other forum I was advised to give it some nutes, so I gave it a diluted dose of my 5-3-7 nutes (approx 1/5 of what they recommend on the bottle) and left it overnight.

Unfortunately my fan suicided overnight and was off for 12+ hours. It gets toasty out there without the fan, so maybe the further damage is a heat issue, maybe it's due to me feeding it, or maybe something else?

I really don't know and I hope you guys can help ASAP, I'm completely new to this and I'm worried my last and only plant will die now :(

Today the yellowing has gotten a lot worse, here's an updated pic:

Update: 20th August

It's getting even worse:

Any ideas?
The medium is some generic potting soil I bought rather cheaply, although I don't have a pH meter, if I remember right the soil said either 6.5 or 7 on the bag, and according to what I've read online my local water is exactly pH neutral at 7, though there is chlorine in it so I normally leave the water out for 48 hours before watering. Unfortunately the bottle with my nute water has been sealed the whole time so there may have been chlorine in it - but that still doesn't explain the initial yellowing.

Yes it definitely is starting at the tips. This has happened before but I never found out the definite cause of it, with this plant when it happened before, something I did obviously worked because it got better - the other plant I managed to kill trying to feed it to resolve the problem.

As for the temperature, I need to find a thermometer to double check but with the fan going I'd say it's 25-30*C (77-86F), and when the fan was off last night I'd say between 30 and 35, so 86-95F.


Think I should flush the nutes I gave it?


New Member
Are you over watering....that right there tells me the roots are stunned and not delevoping right.Back off on the water, the roots can't breath and develope.
I if you want to try and save them let me know-And often are you feeding?
I don't water often. Other than watering them with nutes yesterday they hadn't had water in at least a week, I overwatered a lot when they were young so I learnt my lesson on that, now I only water when the soil is bone dry and often only when they actually start drooping a little when thirsty.

I'm interested in the fact you mention the roots though. A couple of weeks back I transplanted it into this bigger pot, but I didn't break up the root ball like some people suggest, so it was shaped the same as the old pot - should I take it out, break up the root ball and replant or is that not necessary?


New Member
Starting off with good soil is a biggy-what kind on nutients did you give it...and if so...let it sit for a few days and see what happens-There was no food in that cheap soil you got.
I gave it some generic 5-3-7 nutes that I found at my local supermarket. I was told 5-3-7 will be good for weed during veg, and okay but not ideal during flower. The suggested amount on the bottle is either 16 or 17ml to 2-3 litres. I gave approximately 1ml (because the 16ml measurement is by filling the entire cap) to 750ml total so that works out to around 2-4ml for 2-3 litres. Does that sound a reasonable amount?
That medium is soil?? That is sume of the funkiest look soil I have ever seen. Why is it clumpy?
There were a lot of smaller lumps of soil at the end of the bag and I got lazy with breaking them up when I repotted, they slowly break up each time they're left to dry out completely after watering, and although its hard to see they've broken into smaller chunks in the second picture compared to the first. I believe the undersoil is much more well broken up, but if it isn't could that be a problem?

I'm no expert though, so maybe there's another reason for it being clumpy that I'm not aware of.

Is it relevant?

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Well, it does not look like it would dain very well. But I am not Mr Soil Grower. Seems to me, that each one of those clumps would want to hold in the moisture and keep out the oxygen.

Any suggestions guys? I'm really lost and I think this plant is going to die if I don't do something in the next 24-48 hours. :(

The Weedster

Active Member
I havent had a problem using regular potting soil from the dollar general store and then getting the 20/20/20 miracle grow water soluble fertilizer.... Cheapest way I ever saw to grow a plant that fed the plant everything it needed... Everyone has their own way they grow though so it depends, These plants will grow many different ways, Once you find your medium and water and nutes and how often to add them and kind of lights your using and how close to put them, Then just keep it on track from there until you transplant into bigger pots.. :)

The Weedster

Active Member
I almost forgot to tell ya that I also use the natural spring water by clover valley from my local dollar general store as well... Ive used the tap water and it is diff. in every area..... Didnt work well with my plants... They also lie about their water at times... The water company here said their water was fine all the time and then one day they said " dont drink the water " I found out they had some chemical too strong in the water that caused some kind of milignant cancer... My mom drank tea from that water .. It wasnt even a year later and she had cancer growth growing from her leg that the doctor didnt even know what kind of cancer it was and had to send a sample off... So yes, water companies lie like hell until someone finds something wrong and then they cover their ass by sending it out in the newspaper telling everyone not to drink the water after its too late....
Yep, definitely agree with you there, just wouldn't think they'd lie about pH when that's something people can test so cheaply and easily. I could water with mineral water but I was told the other nutrients etc present in mineral water can build up in the soil causing burn etc. I've heard differing opinions on it whereas I've never heard problems with tap water as long as it was the right pH and free of other harmful chemicals.

So do you suspect it's a pH issue or something?


New Member
i would suggest re potting them yellowing is cause from either to much watering , and or nitrogen defiency
and from the pics looks to me your soil is to hot the clumps could very well be compost matter releasing to much thus causeing burning as well either way go get a miracle grow seedling , or promix anything with out any nutrient value in the soil
if you can afford superthrive i would suggest investing in it being it helps from the stressing like them poor girls are doin right now

also i might add if you plan on growing a ph meter is a must this way you can balance your ph if your got low ph in soil you want min 6.4 to 7.0
you got to remember in soil nutrients will not activate belwo this causeing stunted to non growing
its good and bad in a way being if you got high PPM in our soil and low ph your locking your self out kinda a good thing cause if your ph was in balance you would burn bad bad thing is your locking out your plant like clicking the pause button on your DVD player
your plants soil is your main problem can guarntee that
Most likely your problem is caused by the ph of your water. My local water has a ph of 7 straight from the tap. After 24hrs of distilling the water then reads a ph of 8.5 +. This could be a higher or lower ph depending on where you live. Now i found the hard way that this leads to slowly locking the nutes out and causing the problems you are seeing. If you dont have the correct ph for which this great plant grows then it will surely die. I add lemon juice to get my ph inline but you have to know exactly what the ph is that your working with. Hope this helps and theres one thing your gonna have to spend money on to save money, time, headaches and that is a good ph meter. get a digital one on ebay for 25 - 50 us dollars.


Well-Known Member
thats N deficiency; lower leaves start yellowing, it climbs up the plants. feed with any fertilizer, what are you going to use?

its definitely not nute burn, that starts at the new growth tips and it turns yellow, and becomes very brittle. i think your soil will do fine forget about the ph for now cuz this is not a ph issue or else it would show many other deficiencies also.