Yellowing Leaves progressing


New Member

I'm going to explain some things in detail just for context. I'll try to be brief as possible. The main issue is going to be the last photo.

I found some seeds in some weed given to me by a friend. I tried to go them, about 10, and 1 sprouted. I got one which I kept in my room and used a sowing LED light to try to get it to grow. It basically got about 8 inches over a few months and that picture shows it. I got tired of waiting and since it had trichomes and "buds" I decided to try and smoke it and I did and did get high. It was actually kinda fresh. This went on over a few months and the plant simply did not get much bigger. It seems like it was in flower mode pretty much the entire time, maybe due to the lighting but I did try to put it out side too with no change.

Anyways, after a few months, maybe 6 and it's now around winter I cut the main stalk, smoked what I could, tried to clone it, and left the plant alone for another few months. It ended up growing two stalks off the side where I cut it but still never grew much taller.

Fast forward to around march, I decide to put it back out in the sun. By now it sorta recovered as far as it was filling back out with some leafs but still a runt. I decide then to plant it in a raised bed I have just for the hell of it since it doesn't seem to want to grow(note that the soil I got for it in the first place was from this bed IIRC). Now relatively quickly it starts growing, at least a huge difference from before. It looks pretty healthy, no bugs(using tulle to protect it), no yellowing, nice green leaves except all the leaves have 1 fan. It kinda had this problem already.

Ok, so now it's in august and this is what the plant looks like:


Actually this was about a month ago, it's already about 12 inches taller. In fact, about a week before this I tried to dig it up so I could move it inside because I wanted to try to start flowering and I didn't want it getting to big or taking too long. I couldn't get it up though because of the way the raised bed was and I didn't want to do too much damage. So I do not know if I hurt the plant trying to dig it up but I didn't mess with the main root system(I cut about 2 feet away from the trunk). After doing this it seemed to actually spur it to grow as it started growing differently. Now the leaves were no longer growing as 1 fan and they seemed to be growing with more spacing. It was getting so talk I had to rebuilt the enclosure as the top of the plant was already reaching the top you see(about 5 inches which it took about a week or two to grow(but could also be that it just became more erect too but that might have added an inch or two).

The problem now is that yellow leaves are starting to show up significantly at the bottom. These are all one fan leaves and while you can't see any in the picture, the plant now has about 10-20 leaves that one can see at the bottom. They seem to be progressing at a higher rate. I do pick them if they seem to be significantly yellow but some do seem to die very quickly and curl up and rot(seems this was happening before too but I couldn't see the few inside... maybe a light problem?).


And that is pretty much how they look. It looks like a nitrogen issue? It definitely seems to be mobile. The plant above the bottom looks great. The plant overall is growing a bunch of branches though and the internode spacing seems to be shrinking and it is becoming more dense at the top. These are what it currently looks like... not great pictures but maybe it gives an idea:


I didn't capture it well but in the penultimate photo it seems that maybe the plant is starting to flower because around the buds there are spots that are getting very dense with stuff(buds, leaves, branches, etc, almost looks like miniature versions of the runt but not as progressed) Or is this normal behavior? (too soon to flower I think? I doubt it is autoflower) There are no trichomes on the leaves like the first picture when it was a runt. It seems like I grew the plant backwards: Flower->Veg. I'm wondering if somehow after flowering and putting it back in to veg it sorta was in a hybrid state?

The main issue is the yellowing and from my research it seems to be a nitrogen deficiency? I've been trying to give it nitrogen but it is getting worse so either it's not able to take it up for some reason or it's still not getting enough? I'm kinda not sure how much to give it and I'm sure I'm giving it too much but maybe I'm spreading it out too much so it's actually getting less than I think. I did do a foliar spray with some NPK+Lime.

Since this is my first grow and because this plant did not come about under normal circumstances, if it's doing weird stuff. Basically I don't know what to expect. I wasn't even expecting it to grow much after a month or so. It has about 10 long branches that are around 2ft or longer. My understanding is that a plant will generally grow one main stalk unless it is pinched/topped to cause multiple stalks to grow. Since I got the main one this seems to be what happened.

I do water it around every 2-3 days. I used to spray it down because initially it did have a thrips problem when it was a runt but there are no bugs on it now except ants and a spider, maybe an odd bug here or there that somehow got through the tulle. The raised bed seems to drain water quite well although I have some sand in the soil so not sure if it balances it out.

Any ideas?
That's so much reading i gave up half way into it, and assuming it was vegged, flowered revegged and will flower again , whatever the case, them single bladed leafs are from a plant going from flower back to vegetative state and it's normal for them to yellow, brown die off. If I'm way off I'm sorry and just going by pictures, I'm almost falling asleep now
you have had this same plant growing for over a year and “tested” once (3 months after sprouting) and then fully harvested once (before last winter)…and now it’s growing again, is that accurate?
That's so much reading i gave up half way into it, and assuming it was vegged, flowered revegged and will flower again , whatever the case, them single bladed leafs are from a plant going from flower back to vegetative state and it's normal for them to yellow, brown die off. If I'm way off I'm sorry and just going by pictures, I'm almost falling asleep now

That seems to be the case and I was thinking that maybe they were just old and dying but they also look like nitrogen deficiency so I didn't know. Since it seems be getting progressively worse I'm a bit worried it might be something else. It just kinda happened, it seems, all of a sudden.
you have had this same plant growing for over a year and “tested” once (3 months after sprouting) and then fully harvested once (before last winter)…and now it’s growing again, is that accurate?

It was never "harvested". I did take a few bits and pieces off it as a runt because I figured it was just going to die but once I replanted it it took off.
It went from runt->bush but it seemed to start off in flower mode after it sprouted(a very short veg or hybrid veg/flower mode which caused it not to grow much but it did try to flower). It stayed as a runt for about 6 months which then I planted it in the raised bed and it then seemed to grow normal and quite well except all the leaves were single blades. About a month ago it changed to growing normal leaves.

Only thing that has happened is that now those single blade leaves are all starting to yellow and it's progressive very quick. Seems like 10 showed up in a few days. I tend to pick them off and usually I pick 3 or 4 every 2-4 days and they are gone but now it seems like I'm getting 3-4 every day... although I've stopped picking them all off recently because I red that if they have any green in them that it helps to keep them there.

So I don't know if the leaves are dying due to old age, a nutrient problem, or what. (most of these single bladed leaves are at least 3 months old)
The picked leaves look like nitrogen def.
The plant it self doesnt look bad..

That is what it looked like to me, but I've been giving it nitrogen and it's only gotten worse. It seems to be a classic nitrogen deficiency. Yesterday I give it a good dose of nitrogen(maybe too much) so if that doesn't help then it's something else causing it.

But given that the plant is really old and the way I grew it was odd I'm wondering if it's just the leaves dying?
That is what it looked like to me, but I've been giving it nitrogen and it's only gotten worse. It seems to be a classic nitrogen deficiency. Yesterday I give it a good dose of nitrogen(maybe too much) so if that doesn't help then it's something else causing it.

But given that the plant is really old and the way I grew it was odd I'm wondering if it's just the leaves dying?
Is it just on the old leaves..
If it is its probably normal die off

Is that what happens? Note that the "revegged" is basically from a runt that went in to flowering a week or two or so after it sprouted(first pic) then stayed that way for around 6 months(until march or so when I planted it in the raised bed) then it started to veg. So the "initial" veg cycle was really short(days) rather than months which is what would normally be expected and the flowering was really long(~6 months) and then it went back to veg and it's been about 6 months again. Now it seems like it might be starting to flower(which seems too soon) but I'm not sure on it. I'm just seeing some dense growth around the nodes).
Is it just on the old leaves..
If it is its probably normal die off

Yes. It's all those droopy single bladed leaves where it is happening. It's been doing it for a while, one here, one there.. but last 3 weeks it's is when it's been getting progressively worse. You can't see it much but in that last pic there are about 10-15 leaves that are all discolored. Maybe 2 days ago that wasn't the case, maybe 2 or 3(there were some before but I've been picking them, stopped a few days ago cause I red it's bad to pick when there is still green since the plant can absorb the nutrients).

Everything I read about nitrogen deficiency and the pics seem to suggest that is what it is but given that this plant is actually really old is what's confusing to me.

I'm just trying to nip it in the bud so I can get some bud at some point ;)
Notice the leaf you pulled for photo ….. single fingered leaf. It was flowering ( starting to form stacking ) but now reverting back to veg stage , hence the the single leaf growth. Not sure if you are inside or outside but lighting may be the reason.
It was never "harvested". I did take a few bits and pieces off it as a runt because I figured it was just going to die but once I replanted it it took off.
It went from runt->bush but it seemed to start off in flower mode after it sprouted(a very short veg or hybrid veg/flower mode which caused it not to grow much but it did try to flower). It stayed as a runt for about 6 months which then I planted it in the raised bed and it then seemed to grow normal and quite well except all the leaves were single blades. About a month ago it changed to growing normal leaves.

Only thing that has happened is that now those single blade leaves are all starting to yellow and it's progressive very quick. Seems like 10 showed up in a few days. I tend to pick them off and usually I pick 3 or 4 every 2-4 days and they are gone but now it seems like I'm getting 3-4 every day... although I've stopped picking them all off recently because I red that if they have any green in them that it helps to keep them there.

So I don't know if the leaves are dying due to old age, a nutrient problem, or what. (most of these single bladed leaves are at least 3 months old)
ya all those single blade leaves will die off. I am not telling you what to do cause I didn’t know when it happened to me but I will say this: do not assume that is a nute deficiency or lockout. I couldn’t keep up with cutting them off there wer so many lol. Look at different parts of the plant to decide on feed tho.

So here are two recent pictures. The first shows what is happening underneath and the other is at the top(obviously).

I'm going to assume, specially since I already added a bunch of N, that the leaves are just dying and hope that it doesn't spread or there is some other issue(PH or whatever).

The top of the plant, though, looks different and so I'm curious. It doesn't show up in the photos well but around the nodes there is a lot more activity than there was before. Is this normal? Is this part of the veg stage(suggesting the plant switched to veg recently?) or is this preparing for flowering?

I'm confused because I'm told that the single bladed leaves means the plant was in flowering stage but I didn't get any flowers and this happened during the summer which is suppose to provide enough light(and it did, about 14-16 hours worth) to put it in veg. Since I have no prior experience in growing I don't know what it's suppose to be like during each stage except what I read and it seems to be sorta doing things backwards or in some hybrid like thing.

The only issues I have is that I don't want it to progress and destroy my plant and I'd like it to hurry up and flower(but willing to wait). I have a tarp I want to throw over it every day for a few hours to get it to flower but if it's having health issues then that might be a bad idea. Last thing I want to do is ruin the plant out of ignorance.
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I'm going to assume, specially since I already added a bunch of N, that the leaves are just dying and hope that it doesn't spread or there is some other issue(PH or whatever).

good call. I wouldn’t base feed on the reveg growth.

The top of the plant, though, looks different and so I'm curious. It doesn't show up in the photos well but around the nodes there is a lot more activity than there was before. Is this normal? Is this part of the veg stage(suggesting the plant switched to veg recently?) or is this preparing for flowering?

looks like normal pre-flower to me- which is good.

I'm confused because I'm told that the single bladed leaves means the plant was in flowering stage

see @Budzbuddha response on reveg above.

The only issues I have is that I don't want it to progress and destroy my plant and I'd like it to hurry up and flower(but willing to wait). I have a tarp I want to throw over it every day for a few hours to get it to flower but if it's having health issues then that might be a bad idea. Last thing I want to do is ruin the plant out of ignorance.
I would wait and not mess with tarps at this point but again, listen to others. Read & search around this forum and you will see that based on the new growth it’s pretty much in line with where it should be assuming it’s a photo & you are in the US somewhere. I wish mine would have done that.
I would wait and not mess with tarps at this point but again, listen to others. Read & search around this forum and you will see that based on the new growth it’s pretty much in line with where it should be assuming it’s a photo & you are in the US somewhere. I wish mine would have done that.

Ok, I will wait and see. It looks like it's starting to flower because every day I go out there are round like things that look like the start of flowers that gett bigger and bigger(they look more like the first picture with all the pistils going in all directions(but they are smaller and there are no trichomes and it doesn't smell much(smelt more like weed before but I can barely smell it)).

So I will wait and see. It seems to look pretty good and all that except those leaves the best I can tell(I've never seen a plant in real life so I can only compare it to photos which can be deceiving. It's just a little weird because the things I read online don't quite match up with my experiences.
it doesn't smell much(smelt more like weed before but I can barely smell it)).
Ya like @Budzbuddha said above they revegged so they were in flower which makes them smell. Now they look reset to where they naturally want to be (assuming they are photos)…they will smell again…but more, much more.
Ya like @Budzbuddha said above they revegged so they were in flower which makes them smell. Now they look reset to where they naturally want to be (assuming they are photos)…they will smell again…but more, much more.

So now a new issue has popped up ;/

So now a new issue has popped up ;/
IDK but don’t go crazy w/ nutes and stop cutting off the fan leaves would be my advice. Others can diagnose the color stuff but don’t cut the 5/7 finger leaves off is what I was taught