yellowing leaves on auto ak


Active Member
hi. about a week ago i noticed some leaves were turning yellow. i think this may be due to to much nutrients (im using all purpose MG). is that correct? any will my plants recover? the strain is lowlife auto ak47xdiesel. thanks!!!



Well-Known Member
hi. about a week ago i noticed some leaves were turning yellow. i think this may be due to to much nutrients (im using all purpose MG). is that correct? any will my plants recover? the strain is lowlife auto ak47xdiesel. thanks!!!
im alkmost positive i had the same problem w the same strain.i think calcium?i waited til it was 2 late tho so i coldnt correct it.either calmag or crushed up egg shells boiled and fed can cure it..if its calcium


Well-Known Member
I think its a mag def.... 1tsp of epsom salt per gal of water.... Also, your leaves are curling up indicating lights are to close ppor ventalation, or not enough humidity...