Yellowing Leaves and dropping!! Too Much Water???


Well-Known Member
Well, no that's not what I meant at all. Sorry bout that. WhatI mean is that when you water the plant with your nute solution that's weaker in the beginning and strongest at the end just water them very completely. That will assure a couple very important things. First one is that the nutients in the "gift" of water will saturate and re suspend all of the nutrient salts that have crystalized since your last watering and the entire pot becomes usable without dry spots that inhibit growth. this is particularly important in coco because of it's unique way that it deals with the dryness that can occurr. without getting all geeky on ya, it is to be avoided. thats all
roots only grow where its wet. just a few hours of dryness can cause tender roots to die. it costs energy for the plant to recover what it has lost. if you can avoid going backwards, you significantly improve your yield and also your cost per gram will be lower due to less money being wasted solving stress related problems.

You will have hiccups for sure but this is a learn while ya earn kinda deal so just go for it and have a good time and a good harvest. Basics, basics, basics


So I laid off owatering for a couple of days and my plants grew fast and the one on the side of the pot is bigger now than the one that has nute burn!!

I clipped off the nute burn leaves and it seems to be coming back around.

Another seeding popped up in my pot with the plant on the side of pot!! I dont want to move anything until they get a little older.

Seems like me laying off the water for awhile help like a champ!! THANKS GUYS

Oh and I didnt want to start over becase i figure it's a learning period and what better way to learn than help a sick plant!

So I'm not giving up on these plants!! The more that goes wrong(I hope it doesn't) the more I learn!!



So it s been awhile but my plants are great as I repotted Them in fox farm ocean Forrest and sprinkled orgenism on the roots. After while of good growth I started LST on two plants. I also moved them to a better, bigger box and added More CFL lights.