yellowing leaves and drooping!!!!

beaves IOW

Active Member
Right I'm 4 weeks in to growing 10 auto northern lights, first ever grow.
First few weeks went without a hitch but now the leaves on the bottom of the plants are all gone yellow and all the leaves are drooping!

Now this is what I'm doin.....watering PH balanced water every 3 day's at around a litre per plant, growing under a 600w hps, with absolutely no ventilation yet, leaves are curling due to heat but cant do nothing til me carbon filter kit arrives in a week or so....heat gets up to 40 degrees in my 6ft by 3ft by 6ft high grow room

Is the heat causing this? I'm not usin nutes til they are flowering could it be that? Any help would be very useful!! Thanks

beaves IOW

Active Member
Although I'm PH balancing the water I'm not PH testing the soil so it's probably way out...could this be the problem??