Yellowing leaves 1st week of flower


Well-Known Member
So I just switched to flower in Sunday. Just noticed that I had some yellowing in the lower leaves. My set up is

MG potting soil
GH 3 part series + Cal Mag
3 G Smart Pots
6 t5 2 ft bulbs

I was a bit cautious on using the Grow nute early because I heard MG + a lot of N is not good. Now it looks like I was overly cautious and now they need it. Should I give them a big dose of N tomorrow or continue with the Bloom feed schedule(a lot of K)?

I also noticed my plants are drying a LOT quicker. I used to water every 4th day, now they are dry every other day. Thinking of feeding tom then straight water on Monday.

I also will be getting Superthrive on Monday, I heard it works miracles. Should I add that with the nutes or make it feed then water + Superthrive in the next feed. I also have Liquid Karma but I don't know what it does. Should I use it?


jay grow

Your plants looks like they need more gh grow(N), don't go to over bored w/ the nutes since it will take about a week or 2 for the color to come back. As long as your tops leafs are still green your good.You can't rush time. Also since your going into flowering mode get something w/ carbs, gh flora nectar, liq kool bloom. Don't get the dry powder kool unless you get the liq. 1st.
Yellowing of the leaves is normal in flowering, but if it's happening early then a bit of N might be in order. I don't know about your particular nutes, but some products call for a feeding schedule that includes both grow and bloom when feeding a plant. For example: When I feed my plants in flowering, I give them 3 parts bloom nutes to 1 part grow, so while they're getting a lower amount of N, it's still getting a little. When trying to adjust a nute deficiency, it's always better to do it slowly then quickly. Also, too much N in a flowering plants, will slow down flowering, so please keep that in mind when adding to it. Good luck, my friend. Let us know how it turns out:)


Well-Known Member
1st week of flower - you should be feeding "aggressive veg" still - 3-2-1 for GH..
At week 2 hit "transition to bloom" 2-2-2 and start adding bloom booster.
at week 6 hit with "bloom" -1-2-3 and bloom booster
week 7 I start topping up with 1/4 strength nutes..
week 8 clearex for 3 days and straight water for last 4. Now I grow in hydro, so the whole "flush or not flush" thing may not be as important, but I'd still flush in soil for 3-4 days, only cause I would. The rest of that info is in the side of you GH bottles... Hope it helps.