Yellowing, Drooping, Nutriant Burn? Deficiancy? Help (pics)


Active Member
Has been slowly going down hill... PH 6.2, not many initial nutes, now getting droopy and added a mild amount. Is it nute burn? or deficiancy? I dont want to add more or flush until i get another opinion...

Thanks A Bunch!



Active Member
dont know my ppms...
thought it was overwatering before, cut it back and it continued to droop
now back with water
i just dont want to over nute it....
it kinda looks like its burning, but it kinda looks hungry... its just not getting better :(


Well-Known Member
looks like a combination of overwatering and nute burn!the ph is fine so i dont think is that.


New Member
It's definitely a nutrient DEFICIENCY. Either you are overwatering and this is allowing less oxygen to help the roots absorb the nutrients, or you aren't feeding enough... or as GK pointed out pH fluctuation. This can be caused by all sorts of things. Check the pH of the run off.

Knowing your ppm's or EC is essential to successful hydro growing. Plants require a minimum amount of nutrients per stage of growth, if you go in too low the plant will not be able to grow to it's full potential.

When you grow hydro you have to supply ALL the nutrients the plants need. The only way to adeqwuately measure that you are doing this is to buy an EC/PPM meter.


Active Member
Lowered the PH last night... woke up to this...

Limiting the amount of water now... anything else? Help bring her back to life! :)



Active Member
added more nutes to correct N deficiency... put on a better watering schedule... continues to not look good! stunted growth... leaves are still turning, getting crispy, and dying. what would you guys suggest?



Well-Known Member
Kerby, your rockwool is black! You should get that covered. Had that happen to me and I got a bunch of fungus gnats. Not cool when they're stuck in your nugs! They don't taste right.


Active Member
You need a tds tester so you know your ppm. You can't grow hydro without knowing exactly how much nutes you are using. If you had this you would know if you burned them or if you are deficient. Did the leaves start to yellow and burn at the tips and work its way down? Or did they get uniformly yellow all at once? If they started to yellow at the tips its probably burn and vice versa.


Active Member
large fan leaves went first, drooping, turning a uniform yellow.. then spotting, then the spots turned brown and curling up...

thanks for noticing the black #$%^... we didnt know what it was.


Active Member
If they turned uniform yellow all at once then its probably a deficiency of some sort...probably nitrogen.


Active Member
its definitely coming back, new growth looks good. Thanks everyone. As for those fan leaves... they are kinda crispy... would you recommend removing them?