yellowing/burnt lower leaves in early flower

gold lion

Well-Known Member
tyrone special from mephisto (auto)
roots organic/kind soil
fed only distilled water

any clue what's up with the leaves?


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soil ph looks fine, 19/5 lighting, t5 fluorescent a couple inches above canopy, temps between 70-82, room humidity at 30

that's all I got xD


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looking at guides and stuff it looks like N deficiency, but there's plenty of N - the tops are dark green and even clawing a little.

no spots really, just yellowing from the bottom up, but could be too many nutrients in the kind soil? idk, somebody's gotta have a guess xD
looking at guides and stuff it looks like N deficiency, but there's plenty of N - the tops are dark green and even clawing a little.

no spots really, just yellowing from the bottom up, but could be too many nutrients in the kind soil? idk, somebody's gotta have a guess xD
More information is needed about how often you are watering, how often are you adding nutes and which ones, how much water you a giving them and the size of the pots.
Humidity is low.
Are those temps 70-82 taken at the canopy of the plant or somewhere else?
watering when they're light and dry, haven't been very consistent in the amount i guess - sometimes it's every day, sometimes it's every couple days. just distilled water, no nutes added. the humidity is low - working on that and can get mid 30's now. temps are measured lower than canopy level by about a little less than a foot.
watering when they're light and dry, haven't been very consistent in the amount i guess - sometimes it's every day, sometimes it's every couple days. just distilled water, no nutes added. the humidity is low - working on that and can get mid 30's now. temps are measured lower than canopy level by about a little less than a foot.
I don't use the t5 lighting but is sounds like its to hot and dry at the canopy.
that was just a soil test kit thing, I'll pick up some testing solution for the water tho, just had seen successful grows with this method but didn't think about how the distilled water I buy might have a different ph than theirs xD

read that using distilled water and digital meter won't work well so I don't mind using test kits
that was just a soil test kit thing, I'll pick up some testing solution for the water tho, just had seen successful grows with this method but didn't think about how the distilled water I buy might have a different ph than theirs xD

read that using distilled water and digital meter won't work well so I don't mind using test kits

my distilled water bought in a store reads about 7.0 normal but nutes change that the digital meter may not work well on just distilled water but works fine on nutes/water mix
could it be N toxicity? the top leaves claw a bit and are dark green, and fits this description pretty well (can't find the page I just read but that over time it will cause lower leaves to turn yellow and dry out)
Its very possible, its hard too diagnose the plant from these pictures. If it is and they get heat stressed at all it'll make them soak up that much more so make sure their happy with the temps
ok a new development - i'd checked for bugs a ton of times before, flipping over all of the leaves and examining closely, but now if i shake up the pot a little then tiny little white crawly bugs come up and crawl around the top of the soil. no bugs at all on the actual plant - but i'm thinking they're probably eating at the roots. if i sit there and really look hard i can tell there's probably a huge number of them altogether, tho i can only spot a couple at a time.

no useful picture because they're so, so small - tiny white/light colored crawling bugs with some antennae a little larger than their legs. body the size of a grain of sand, tiny >< to the best of my ability i'd think they're hypoaspis miles but apparently those are good bugs? could they be bad if there's too many? could they be something else?

there's nothing on the plants themselves, no signs on the leaves on top or bottom, no eggs anywhere, no webs, no nothing. just a bunch of bugs right under the soil.

i put a layer of diatomaceous earth on the soil as it's all i had on hand but can grab supplies.
it does ><
just doesn't look like them but it makes too much sense not to be. anyway, going to hydro store in a bit to pick up something to try, not sure yet, i'll see what the owner has to say about it. i do know i'll need some PREVENTATIVE stuff, absolutely terrified these guys will take over my other grow (in a different part of the house but some of the same soil) so can't let that happen lol.

anyone have a good method for eradicating these guys during flower? i see bayer citrus, botaniguard, pyrethrin, +tons of other options. anyone had success with these in soil?
not to throw you off track because if you say you got bugs, then you of course would know..but i want to throw this out there before you start spending money at this problem. I see in original post you list your water source as distilled water. Distillation removes alot of minerals that is needed by the plant..some more than others like calcium,magnesium,potassium, etc etc etc...are you using anything like a cal-mag to make up for the loss of these minerals by using distilled water? just wanted to throw that out there, you may need to get a cal-mag supplement or something that is gonna be able to give you those vital minerals your distilled water is lacking.
yeah i see now that was stupid, was just following the same moves as someone else who did a successful grow with that method. started using spring water instead^ i do have calimagic to use but didn't want to throw too much at the plants right now, any clue if the bugs in this vid are aphids? it's exactly what is going on with my soil too (less in my soil but same bug for sure)
