Yellowing/Browning Tips (pics inside) please help!


Well-Known Member
All going on 4 weeks old. All were started in rockwool starter cubes. They were just moved to these cups 2 days ago. I also added the first small dose of nutes when I put them into the cups. Fox Farms called for 2 tablespoons per gallon of water. I used 1 teapspoon!

Not all of my plants but a few of them have small yellow tips. The pics below tell it better then I do

I also put a few pics of my healthy plants...i checked ph and that is fine..temps are defintely fine 73 right now, and peaked at the hottest ever @ 78 today

2 very healthy looking plants from the same batch...that got the same dose of nutes/water/etc

I'm no expert, but I guess it's nutrient defficiency. Like I stated above I just added my first very very very small dose. As I planned on gradually introducing the nutes to the plants as recommended by most people. The bottom leaves are yellow as you can see the pics. which i was told was a sign that the plants need nutes.

I just want to know before I do anything. Should I just use regular water next time? Or should I continue with another dose of water/nutes next time?

BTW I know they are very small for the age. I was stupid and should have moved them into soil weeks ago. I just didn't know better. They have grown a lot in the 2 days they've been in these cup. Next week with my cabinet finished and 10x the lumens I have now Im hoping they will take off =]


Well-Known Member
First off, what strain (if you know) and what type of soil? They are still pretty young to feed nutes right now, your method of 10% or whatever is fine. Do they have adequate drainage? Those probably wont need much watering right now, wait until the soil dries out most of the way, then water with pH'd (6.3-6.5) distilled water.
In soil you can't force the plant to grow at a faster speed by feeding it nutrients and chemicals, only hydroponic growers can take advantage of that. So you have to be cognisent that your plants will grow as quickly and healthy as they possibly can given an adequate amount of: Light, water, oxygen to roots, Co2 to foliage, and finally a healthy, living soil. Too MUCH of any of those things and the balance is thrown off. Soil growing is great because we get to be pretty chill about the whole process!

The yellowing of lower fan leaves can indicate a nutrient deficiency, but sometimes a healthy plant will throw of it's bottom fan leaves. It looks to me like the leaves that you see yellowing are some of the early foliage, and that happens, too on some healthy plants. My guess right now would be that a couple of the plants have some transplant shockm as this is what we KNOW could be effecting them. Don't do anyhting too them yet, just give water for a couple weeks and let them figure it out. If there IS a nutrient problem or a pH problem you will KNOW for sure, but if you try to fix a problem based on what you see now, you will more likely end up causing greater trouble for yourself in the future. They look good.


Well-Known Member
All going on 4 weeks old. All were started in rockwool starter cubes. They were just moved to these cups 2 days ago. I also added the first small dose of nutes when I put them into the cups. Fox Farms called for 2 tablespoons per gallon of water. I used 1 teapspoon!

Not all of my plants but a few of them have small yellow tips. The pics below tell it better then I do

I also put a few pics of my healthy plants...i checked ph and that is fine..temps are defintely fine 73 right now, and peaked at the hottest ever @ 78 today

2 very healthy looking plants from the same batch...that got the same dose of nutes/water/etc

I'm no expert, but I guess it's nutrient defficiency. Like I stated above I just added my first very very very small dose. As I planned on gradually introducing the nutes to the plants as recommended by most people. The bottom leaves are yellow as you can see the pics. which i was told was a sign that the plants need nutes.

I just want to know before I do anything. Should I just use regular water next time? Or should I continue with another dose of water/nutes next time?

BTW I know they are very small for the age. I was stupid and should have moved them into soil weeks ago. I just didn't know better. They have grown a lot in the 2 days they've been in these cup. Next week with my cabinet finished and 10x the lumens I have now Im hoping they will take off =]

mate i do both hydro and soil all the time and i tend to get a similar problem i start with my hydro startup-it tends to be a PH issue. PH issues usually tend to start at the rip of the leaf and then work its way up the leaf.(starting off by going yellow and crispy.),or if i get the problem in soil its coz ur soil may be a bit "hot" for ur young babies. u dont need to feed ur babies for their first 3 weeks;-)


Well-Known Member
They are over 3 weeks, and I just started feeding them. The soil is fox farms ocean forest. They do have adequate drainage as well.


Well-Known Member
They are over 3 weeks, and I just started feeding them. The soil is fox farms ocean forest. They do have adequate drainage as well.

The three week rule is general. At three weeks most plants will have their first set of true leaves, or leaves with five fingers. Yours dont yet, so stay away from nutrients. Also, Fox Farms Ocean Forest has everything your plant needs for the first 6 weeks of it's life at LEAST! When using FFOF, don't typically give nutes during veg. unless the plant starts really showing signs of definciency, and even then double check soil and water pH first. Your plants are going to be fine as long as you don't start giving nutes or start overwatering. See how worry can get the best of you?;-)

By the way, I've seen plants on RUI grown to maturity using only FFOF and NO NUTES that were AMAZING!


Well-Known Member
whats ur PH?
PH hasn't gone over 7. I use a brita filter to drop the PH of my tap water (because its quite high 8.6 usually). The brita brings my tap water to a PH of 6.2-6.5 . I think I messed up using the wrong nute. I used fox farms big bloom. Someone told me i should have used a small dose of grow big and big bloom together to achieve the correct nutrient levels. Someone on here said to give the plants a 1 teaspoon of grow big (1/2 recommended dosage), and 1 tablespoon of big bloom (1/2 recommended dosage). I just don't want my plants to continue browning at the tips. Should I use just water for a week or 2 and see how it goes? Then try another small dose of nutes? my head is telling me to use just water for a week, then use a 1/4 teaspoon grow big (1/4 recommended dosage), then 1 teaspoon big bloom (1/4 recommend dosage). Thoughts?


Well-Known Member
PH hasn't gone over 7. I use a brita filter to drop the PH of my tap water (because its quite high 8.6 usually). The brita brings my tap water to a PH of 6.2-6.5 . I think I messed up using the wrong nute. I used fox farms big bloom. Someone told me i should have used a small dose of grow big and big bloom together to achieve the correct nutrient levels. Someone on here said to give the plants a 1 teaspoon of grow big (1/2 recommended dosage), and 1 tablespoon of big bloom (1/2 recommended dosage). I just don't want my plants to continue browning at the tips. Should I use just water for a week or 2 and see how it goes? Then try another small dose of nutes? my head is telling me to use just water for a week, then use a 1/4 teaspoon grow big (1/4 recommended dosage), then 1 teaspoon big bloom (1/4 recommend dosage). Thoughts?

THATS UR PROBLEM MATE...PH...NUTES... lay off them for a while and give ur babies R/O water for a while and they will be fine.;-).relax with nutes and sort ur ph out;-)


Well-Known Member
The three week rule is general. At three weeks most plants will have their first set of true leaves, or leaves with five fingers. Yours dont yet, so stay away from nutrients. Also, Fox Farms Ocean Forest has everything your plant needs for the first 6 weeks of it's life at LEAST! When using FFOF, don't typically give nutes during veg. unless the plant starts really showing signs of definciency, and even then double check soil and water pH first. Your plants are going to be fine as long as you don't start giving nutes or start overwatering. See how worry can get the best of you?;-)
Thanks pacman. I figured that expensive ass soil was soo pricey for a reason ;)


Well-Known Member
Thanks pacman. I figured that expensive ass soil was soo pricey for a reason ;)
Sure thing snow, that's exactly why it's so expensive! I can't over emphasize enough, don't bother with nutes for a while. You are goin to likely use them during flowering, but they won't require much at all, so go easy and use the K.I.S.S. philosophy!


Well-Known Member
Sure thing snow, that's exactly why it's so expensive! I can't over emphasize enough, don't bother with nutes for a while. You are goin to likely use them during flowering, but they won't require much at all, so go easy and use the K.I.S.S. philosophy!
ahaha! thanks! I'll go buy a gallon of distilled water today after work. use that for the next week. next week im hoping for a ton of growing since im going from 4,000 lumens to 30,000 lumens when i move them into my cabinet tomorrow ;) then ill start flowering so ill be sure to start with very low doses of nutes