Yellowing bottom leaves: Pics


Well-Known Member
I'm using Sta-Green Moisture Max that is 14-11-8.
That could be your problem. Your plant doesn't need any nutes for a long time yet, and the soil you are using releases nutes every time you water it. BAM.....nute burn.

If you can, change your soil to something like Fox Farm Ocean Forest, or Pro-Mix. Many people on this site seem to prefer one or the other.

It's not that you CAN'T grow with your soil, its just a bit more challenging to grow successfully with it.

Christian for Ganja

Active Member
What if I just do a mixture of spaghum peat moss, humus, compost, and vermiculite? Do I need to add anything else, like bone meal, blood meal, collodial rock, lime, green sand, etc.?


Well-Known Member
What if I just do a mixture of spaghum peat moss, humus, compost, and vermiculite? Do I need to add anything else, like bone meal, blood meal, collodial rock, lime, green sand, etc.?
Napoleon....i have a random flower (as in pretty garden flowers) soil from wal mart.(nothing special) my leaves were going yellow at the bottom at first too. but after a while it was fine. now my plants are green and big and i just picked the lower yellow leaves off. i dont know what caused it though, and i dont know what stopped more leaves from going yellow, maybe it was the fact that i transplanted, or that i started using nutes. i have no clue. but i thought i would let you know that my plants revived and once they got a bit bigger my yellow leaf problem went away.

..alrighty then. hope that helps. 2 cents is better than no sense at all.