Yellowing baby advice

Hi all this is first grow I have 7 white widows 4 are almost 4weeks veg the 3 in question are a little over 2weeks veg. They have been in FFHF no nutes yet on younger one...they seem more yellow in color then the older ones?? I have them under a citizen cob build as of 3days ago and prior to that T5HO...,.I just transplanted test to 2g smart pits..they have been watered every 3-4days with drinking water pH at 6.3 - 6.9....should I be concerned? I waited til 3 weeks to give nutes to older girls....should I give them a weak feeding now or wait another week?


mr buddy

Well-Known Member
the soil you have them in should have all the food needed for 6 weeks . maybe to much nutes. ..what is ph of soil. . temp. . the soil looks a little wet to me . how much do you water when you do. tbh they look more droopy than yellow. even tho I see the yell your on about .. I have 4 white widow on at the moment . had my fair share of problems. .
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Well-Known Member
Other than looking a little wet and light color, they look good. Guessing they look a bit greener under natural light?

Lighter color at the bottom of the plant in the 1st pic makes me believe they're lacking.

I'd probably hit one of the young'ns with some calmag+ for the small amount of N (need extra cal with COBs usually anyway) or a bit of urine in the next watering to see if it improves at all. Or, just a regular light feeding of nutes.


Well-Known Member
Im growing in FFHF right now as well, bu5 it is from clone. I started noticing nutrient deficiencies 2 weeks into veg. I added my FF nutes and the plant showed a huge increase in growth. I think theyll turn around once theyre a little more established. Just keep doing what you're doing.
Other than looking a little wet and light color, they look good. Guessing they look a bit greener under natural light?

Lighter color at the bottom of the plant in the 1st pic makes me believe they're lacking.

I'd probably hit one of the young'ns with some calmag+ for the small amount of N (need extra cal with COBs usually anyway) or a bit of urine in the next watering to see if it improves at all. Or, just a regular light feeding of nutes.
Thanks will do!