Yellow Tips


My plant is about 2 and a half weeks since germination right now. Here's a little information about my set up.
The strain is White Widow
I use Fox Farm Ocean Forest Organic Soil
I was using General Organics nutrients but then flushed it and started using plain distilled water about a week ago because it was burning the plant
Temperature stays between 65 and 80
Humidity is between 30 and 50

Just tell me what you guys think about the grow and help me out a little with whats going on with the yellow edges.



Well-Known Member
Early nitrogen toxicity. Hope it goes without saying now that young plants do NOT need nutrients! Especially in the soil you have them in! Keep going. Screw distilled water - that's a fool's choice and a waste of money. They thrive on 99% of American tap water. Oh yeah save your money on buying an RO system. If you can't grow with the soil you have, some tap water and cheap nutes WHEN THAT TIME COMES then "gee whiz" contraptions are going to do nothing but make your wallet lighter.