Yellow tips?


Most of my leafs have yellow tips. What's that about? Also I heard someone say that I should cut leaf tips for faster growth. Any opinions?


Well-Known Member
^I agree, that's normally the case. Also,...don't cut the tips off, because it won't make it grow any faster, it'll hurt it, if anything. Alot of guys cut off the tips of their cuttings when they clone, but that's it. No cutting after they're taken root. :)


^I agree, that's normally the case. Also,...don't cut the tips off, because it won't make it grow any faster, it'll hurt it, if anything. Alot of guys cut off the tips of their cuttings when they clone, but that's it. No cutting after they're taken root. :)
I had nute burn a while back and some of the leafs were pretty damaged so I decided to pull them off. I know that as long as they're green and can photosynthesize it gives the plant energy but I felt like I had to. Any opinions on this?


Well-Known Member
My logic, is that if leaves are yellowing, they're being used as energy for the plant. So, if you cut them off, the plant will start taking energy from other healthy leaves, creating more yellow leaves. I don't cut off any leaves that aren't ready to fall off on their own, or those that clearly have died, or are very near death. If they pull off easily, then they're okay to remove, otherwise, I wait. :)