yellow tips on on of my ladies


Active Member
well i harvested one and the buds are dripping with thc cant wait till they are cured tryed some i dried out fast real good head buzz she has been put back on veg lighting and when she is ready i will try my hand at cloning her


Active Member
yellow TIPS, almost always means nute burn.
did you say that you are going to veg the plant that you just flowered? why would you do that? do you not have your "Tree of Life"?


Well-Known Member
sorry I dont unstand putting her back in veg ?You should of clone her when she was in veg the first time.I would harvest her and start a new grow,then take clones. Peace


Active Member
well back in veg 3 weeks 2 ft tall and two babies later and she is really showing her potential thanks all i think i have it all under control now peace


Active Member
any one my ph level is at 5.0 and i need it to be at 6.7 or so how do i do it... also my tips are yellow and curling and also look dried out i need help and if any one knows wat might be the problem plzz do so

H. Sterniac

Active Member
I am a poor farmer too, and I think that miracle grow soil is bad for indoor plants. Some of these soils claim to have 3 months worth of "slow release fertilizer" so you best not screw with that formula....(never fertilize? When to start?) This is bad news if you want to supervise and dabble with your nutrients throughout the life of the plants. Don't get me wrong, I love miracle grow soil for outdoor petunias--less work.

I love miracle grow fertilizer, cuz you can measure it. Soil? Nah. I like my soil like I like my women....pure, balanced and good to sink your hands into.

I am watching the news and not normally a paranoid stoner....but how scary is a female stalker who happens to be an astronaut? I think that is just below being stalked by a gay biker cellmate in prison. The gay biker can and will hurt your sphincter, but he can't fly.